Owner's warranty responsibilities, Important note – Sears 919.329150 User Manual

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The U. S. Environmental PretecUonAgen^fEPA*), the C«dilbnila Mr Reeourew Beard fCAftfil and TeomehProduc№ Co.
are pleased to Mpiain Hw Federri and CajffiHiiia EnMon Control SyctaiRi VVlMfrai№ on your new uinty ar lawn and garden
equipmeni engina. In CaMMnia, new 1086 and lalerett% and lawn and garden eduljwnenl anglnea must be designed, buMand
equipped to meet ttwSlala'aaMngenlanll'Sniegalandeids, In ether states, now 1W7 and lalermadel year enginea must be
designed, built and aqidpped, at


tone of sale, to ffloet the U.S. EPA teguladena tor smaN norMoad englnee. Tecumseh

Products Co, wffl wairanl the emission control qwtem on your uiWly or lawn and garden equtomant engine tor 0ie periods of dme
Bated below, provided there has been no abuse, neglect, unepproved niadBlcellon, or Intpraper maiittenafice of your uWly or town

and garden equipmertl engine.

the caiburelor. ignHon system nnd exhaust system. Also included may


Your emission control system may inchrde puts such as the caiburelor. igni

be Ihe compression release syelernend other andeelon-ielaiad essemMes.


a vrarrentebia condib'on asleia, Tecumseh Produels Co. wW repdir your utWty or lawn and garden etodpmeni engine at no

cost to you tor diagnosis, parts and



Emission control systems on 1986 and bier model yeer CaNfomlB uWtty and bfwn and garden equipmeni engines are warranted
far two years as hereiiteflar ttoied In other slates, 1867 and bier model year ertgiiws are also wammttd for two years. If. during
such warranty peifod, any emisslon-iebled port on your engine b defective in maierials or workmanship, the part wHI ba repaired
or replaced by Tecumseh Preducb Co.


As toe


or bwh and garden equipnient engine owner, you are tesponsMe tor dm pertomtance of the required maintenenco

listed in your Owner's Manual. butTecutneeh Products Co. wM notderiy wenamy spb^duetoiiMlaetcerreceiptoorfbryou'
failure to provide wriaenwvidanoe of toe peitormance of all eehedutodmatotenance.

As the utWty or fawn and garden aquipment engine owner, you should, howaver, ba aware that Tecumseh Products Co. may
deny you wananly ooverega y your uHny w team and osr^ equipmeni or a part thereof has totted due to ebusa. rr^faM.
Improper malmartence or unapproved modWcsHene.

You are responalMa tor presenting your uMly or lawn and garden equipment engine to a Taoumsah Aulliorized Serafoe OuUet
(any Tecumseh Regbteied Sarvioe Dealer, Tecurmeh Auihorized Santee (Nsliibutor or Tecumseh Central VVanhousa Dbtrlbu-
lor) as soon as a pioteem eabb. Tha waniwity repairs should be eompbled in a reasonable amount tdHme, rwi lo aicooed 30

Vifarrante seivloe can be arranged by conlading aHher a Tecumseh Authoiized Service Outlet or by conlading Tecumsen
Producb Co., oto Servtoe Manager. Engine and Trartsmlsalon GnHgr Service DMsion, 600 North Street, Graltort, VVI53024-1469.
Telephone V2e2-37T-27D0, or see your focel Wapherta yellow pages under *Englnes, Gasoliite* tor the name, address and
tobftoone number ofa Tecumseh Authorized Sendee Oultol near you.


Thb waitanqr suMnMm explaicu your rigNs arwl obigaiona under lha Embalon Cortool Sibtem Wamnly fECS Wetranly’)
which b provided to you by TecumsMi Producb Co. puiauant to CaUtotnb law. Totumaeh Ptoducta Co, also prevldea to odf^al
purchasen of nawTeatanaah Preducb Co. onglnea. The Taeumaah Pradueb Ca UmUodtofatrantios tor Now Teatmsah Engina
andEtodnmlcIgnnfonModulaerTncMnieah Producb Co. VlfanonqO which bendosadwlto all new Tecureaeh Producb Co.

antfnaa on a aaparab ahaoL The ECS WairanHaffaltes only tome emlaskmeonlroltyttam of your new ottbiM, To the extent
that mere b any conlRct In termabehwan the ECS bfarranly end toe Tacunwah Producb Co. VWanwity. IheKS WCtrenly shall

apply emapt in any drtumstoncea to wteeh toe Tecumseh Pierlucb Co. Vifanwily may provide a tongar mwionty period. Both

IheECSVUurenlyandiheTeeumaeh Producb Co. Vifanwily desrptbolmponantrighb and oUigMronawiihrocp^ to your new

WsfflHily aarvloe can onfr be pwrfermed by


Tecumseh Producb Ca Autoodnd Senrloe Oiatot, or by Tecunmafi Producb Ca

at8afiidorylnQiwlton.tM. At№eilmearraquesllng««Brmitessrvice.evldsncamustbapioaetitadoflhed8toefaatetolhe

original putchaaor. The puiehaeer aha* pay arty chrages for meMneBendce cals andtor far bamperttog toe preducb to and Item
toapteca where toe tospaeflonendtorwartanfy work bpaitowoad. The purchaser wtaRbaroaportsHe tor any damage or toes

toainod In oannecrion Drift toe banapotielloncf any engine cr any psrtCwtoeroefsubmltled tor toapadtooendtor warranty work,

8 yen have arty quoaHona ragarding your wanonly rtglRs and resporwIblBltes, you ahouM ecnlaet Tecumaeh Ptoduds Co. at


OZMW Rm. as/ww

so ENQ