Battery & charging tips – Vexilar Flasher Family 2013 User Manual
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Keeping your battery in top condition is the key for your Vexilar’s reliability. Follow these
basic tips and you can expect years of dependability from your Vexilar eqiuipment:
• Allow battery to FULLY recharge at room temperature before use.
Recharge the battery AFTER EACH USE.
• Give cold batteries extra time to charge. Charge at room temperature if you can.
• Keep Flames, Sparks, and Metal objects away from batteries and terminals.
• If the battery is an open type, add distilled water AFTER battery is recharged.
• Keep the battery clean and dry.
• Charge periodically during battery storage.
Disconnect the battery when not in use.
• Do Not Overdischarge the battery, You should never drain a battery beyond 80%,
meaning less than 20% left. Your Vexilar will autiomativcally shut off at this point,
but you need to make sure any other devices are disconnected from the battery
before storage
• Do Not Overcharge the battery. Measure the voltage of the battery while
charging. It should never go over 15 volts. Your Vexilar charger is designed to
provide an optimal charge to your battery. Please only use Vexilar chargers.
• Damage the battery or terminals by dropping. Your battery is heavy, but fragile.
Take care that it doesn’t get banged around or dropped.
Charging Trouble Shooting
• Charger Flashes Red: This means you have connected the battery terminals
incorrectly Red is positive, black is negative. Reverse the connections and look for
a solid red light.
• Battery Gets Hot: A battery that gets hot while charging has become “resistive”.
Current passes through it, but the battery will not charge. The battery must be
• Battery recharges for a short time, even when full: Even if your battery is fully
charged the light should briefly go from red to green, when you first plug it in, this
is normal.
• Battery Will Not Charge: If you connect the battery and it stays green 100% of
the time, your battery may be completely dead and your charger does not even
recognize it has been connected to terminals. Battery should be replaced.
: The battery warranty is covered under a pro-rated performance
guarantee. Failure to properly care for battery is not the responsibility of
Vexilar. See for specifics.