Vexilar Alumaducer User Manual
Alumaducer instructions

Vexilar AlumaducerInstructions
Alumaducer Instructions
Select an area within one foot of the center keel of the boat and directly in
front of the bottom corner of the transom. This area is often near the
drain plug. Your goal is to select an area that is between ridges or rivets
preferably on the Driver's side of the boat. You need to select an area of
the hull that does not have a dent or depression that might create a
pocket of air while the boat is running at higher speeds. A simple straight
edge ruler can be used on the bottom of your hull to ensure you have
selected a non- warped area.
1. Using the supplied Scotch-Brite® pad, remove any paint, dirt or
coatings on the aluminum. You MUST be down to the bare aluminum
and the surface must be dry. Wipe off all loose dust and dirt.
2. Using the supplied alcohol swab, wipe clean any dust or dirt you
created from the target area on the hull and the face of the
transducer. Dry the area with a clean paper towel or rag.
3. Set the transducer in the prepared area and place
four supplied foam positioning pads around the
transducer as shown. This will keep the transducer
from "traveling" once the transducer has been
placed in your target spot.
4. Using the pre-measured packet, mix both
elements of the A.C.E.™ adhesive together,
following the directions on the packet. Once
thoroughly mixed, you have about 10 minutes to apply this special
A.C.E.™ Adhesive.
5. Remove transducer from the target spot and apply the mixture to the
transducer NOT the boat. Be sure to use all the Epoxy in the packet.
6. Now, simply press the transducer back into the prepared area. Twist it
slightly back and forth several times. This is done to make sure no air
pockets remain under the transducer.
The special A.C.E. Adhesive will set in about 30 minutes. Try not to move
the boat around during this period. The foam cubes you placed around the
transducer keep it from drifting from the spot you have selected while the
adhesive cures overnight. Do not turn your sonar "on" for 12 hours to
ensure a solid connection between the transducer and the aluminum hull.