Vexilar A.C.E Transducer User Manual
A.c.e transducer installation instructions

Vexilar A.C.E Transducer Installation Instructions
A.C.E Transducer Installation Instructions
Transducer Installation Instructions:
Surface preparation and location are the keys to having a good sonar
transducer installation that will last for years, so please take a few extra
minutes to prepare the surface area. Also, the temperature should be at
least 60° F while performing the installation.
1. Select an area in your boat. Ideally, for high speed operation, you will
need to place the transducer near the center of the transom area of
the boat, which is often near the drain plug. You must attach the
transducer to a solid hull area, this means you cannot have a double
hull aluminum or a foam layer in the fiberglass between the transducer
and the water.
2. Prepare the surface area. It is critical you find a smooth, flat spot to
place your
transducer. Small ridges, bumps or even paint under the transducer will
affect the quality of the sonar signal. Your surface preparation kit
comes with a Scotch-Bright® pad to smooth any rough areas and to
help get you down to the base material for a secure install. Use the
pad to rough-up the face of your transducer a little too. This will also
aid in the long-term quality of your installation.
3. Clean the Area. Use the supplied cleaning patch of Isopropyl Alcohol to
remove dust and dirt from only the target area you are mounting to.
Be sure to also wipe clean the face of your transducer. Let dry for a
few minutes.
4. Position the Transducer. Place the transducer
exactly where you want to install it. Apply the four
supplied positioning pads around the transducer.
The positioning pads are needed to prevent your
transducer from drifting off the target area while
the A.C.E.™ adhesive sets up.
5. Mix and Apply the Epoxy. Follow the mixing
directions on the packet of A.C.E.™ Adhesive and
apply the entire packet directly to the face of the transducer.
6. Install the Transducer. Place the transducer into position. Press firmly
and twist slightly back-and-forth to work-out any air bubbles that might
have been trapped in the epoxy.
7. Your Done. However, do not power-up your depth finder for at least 12
hours. Doing so will effect epoxy curing.
Good Boating!