Notice – VACUUBRAND CVC 3000 detect User Manual
Page 18
Ensure that the controller is completely decontaminat-
ed before maintenance commences. Take adequate
precautions to protect people from the effects of dan-
gerous substances if contamination has occurred. Use
appropriate protective clothing, safety goggles and
protective gloves.
Vent the vacuum connection before starting mainte-
nance. Isolate the controller from the vacuum system.
Ensure that
maintenance is done only by suitably trained
and supervised technicians. Ensure that the maintenance
technician is familiar with the safety procedures which re-
late to the products processed in the vacuum system.
Interior components of the controller can only be repaired
at the factory.
In order to comply with laws (occupational, health and
safety regulations, safety at work law and regulations for
environmental protection) components and measuring in-
struments can only be returned when certain procedures
(see section “Notes on return to the factory”, pg. 68) are