Notice – VACUUBRAND PC 3012 NT VARIO Duo User Manual
Page 146

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We submit
repair quotations only on request and always
at the customer’s expense. If an order is placed, the costs
incurred for problem diagnosis are offset from the costs
for repair or from the purchase price, if the customer pre-
fers to buy a new product instead of repairing the defec-
tive one.
If you do not wish a repair on the basis of our quo-
tation, the equipment may be returned to you dis-
assembled and at your expense.
In many cases, the
components must be cleaned in the
factory prior to repair.
For cleaning we use an environmentally friendly water-
based process. Unfortunately the combined attack of el-
evated temperature, cleaning agent, ultrasonic treatment
and mechanical stress (from pressurized water) may re-
sult in damage to the paint. Please mark in the health and
safety clearance form, if you wish a
repaint at your ex-
pense just in case such a damage should occur.
We will also replace parts for cosmetic reasons at your
request and at your expense.
Before returning the equipment, ensure that (if applicable):
- Oil sealed pumps: Oil has been drained and an ad-
equate quantity of fresh oil has been filled in to protect
against corrosion. Dispose according to regulations.
- Equipment has been cleaned and/or decontaminated
(inside and outside).
- All inlet and outlet ports have been capped.
- Equipment has been properly packed, (if necessary,
please order original packaging materials at your cost),
marked appropriately and the carrier has been notified
of any possible contamination.
- The completed health and safety clearance form is en-
We thank you in advance for your understanding of the
necessity for these measures that protect our employees,
and ensure that your pump is protected in shipment.