Jsd-100 configuration – USL JSD-100 Manual User Manual

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JSD-100 Configuration

The JSD-100 is configured using the graphical user interface (Shown in start menu as: JSD-100 Digital Cinema
Processor). The GUI may connect to the JSD-100 over USB, RS-232, or Ethernet. In most installations,
configuration is done over USB. With USB, it is very clear which JSD-100 you are configuring (the one that the USB
cable is plugged in to). Note that you can import existing JSD-80 settings to the JSD-100. See File Management –
Open, below.

The GUI and the JSD-100 provide two sets of controls and two displays. For example, you can change the format on
either the JSD-100 unit or on the GUI and both will reflect the new value. If you open a configuration file when
connected to the JSD-100, all the settings in that configuration file are sent to the JSD-100. When you connect to a
JSD-100, all the configuration settings in that unit are loaded into the GUI. It is quite possible to operate the GUI
and create configuration files without the JSD-100 being connected. Make sure the new file is saved before
connecting the JSD-100 since the connection will cause the current values in the JSD-100 to be overwritten with
the values in the JSD-100. When the JSD-100 is connected to the GUI and a
new configuration file opened, that configuration data is copied out to the
connected JSD-100.

When the GUI is started, the “Overview Screen” will be visible. This screen can
show the status of multiple JSD-100 systems on a network. Click “Screen 1” to
bring up the details of the first (and only, at this point) JSD-100.

Click “Comm Settings” and then the “USB” tab. Make sure “Connect to first
available USB device” is checked and then press OK. Press the “Connect”
button to connect to the JSD-100. Current settings will be downloaded from
the JSD-100 and displayed on the GUI. Detailed below are the several buttons
that are visible along the top of the GUI.

File Management
This group of buttons detailed below deals with loading and saving configuration files from the host computer.

New. Pressing “New” creates a new configuration file with all settings at their default values. It does not
change the settings in the JSD-100 or in the GUI view of the JSD-100. You can use this as a starting point for
configuring a new system (you could also use open Default.j100, as described below). You will be presented
with a “save as” dialog asking you to name the new configuration file.

Open. Pressing “Open” allows you to load an existing configuration fie. Use Default.j100 to load the factory
defaults. You can then revise the settings and save them under another filename. Note that you may specify
either a JSD-100 or JSD-80 configuration file under “file type.” If the JSD-100 is replacing an existing JSD-80,
use the JSD-80 GUI to save the configuration file if it is not available on the computer you’re using. Then, with
the JSD-100 GUI, open the JSD-80 configuration file. Common data, such as equalization, will be loaded into
the JSD-100.

Save. The “Save” button prompts you for the filename under which the configuration data is to be saved.
Data can be restored to this or another unit using the Open button.

This group of buttons sets communications parameters between the GUI and the JSD-100 and allows connections
to be set up and taken down.

Connect. The GUI connects to the JSD-100 specified in the Comm Settings dialog over the specified link.

Disconnect. The GUI disconnects from the currently viewed JSD-100.