Tie Down Emergency Spring Hanger Kits User Manual
Emergency spring hanger kits

TIE DOWN ENGINEERING • 255 Villanova Drive SW • Atlanta, GA 30336
www.tiedown.com (404) 344-0000 Fax (404) 349-0401
Instruction Sheet #08170
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For temporary replacement of broken spring hangers or additional axle installation when needed in the field.
Kits available with 4 or 8 bolt front brackets for differing trailer types and weights. Spring not included.
Plates are adjustable for 3” or 4” I-Beams. Not intended for use over 45 mph.
Installation Instructions
When adding an axle, begin by attaching the larger bracket to the I-Beam towards the front of the unit and
leave bolts loose so the bracket can slide on the beam. The spacing for the hangers is generally 1/2" shorter
than the distance between the “eyes” of the spring. Attach the smaller bracket behind the larger one with
shackle links installed and leave the bolts loose so this bracket can slide on the beam. Follow these same
steps and install the brackets to the beam on opposite side. Position axle under brackets and start by
attaching rear of leaf springs to shackles on both sides with shackle bolts and snug but do not tighten. Install
front of leaf springs to the large spring hangers and adjust spring and shackles to fit. Tighten all bolts at this
time, making sure the bolts on the I-beam are tight.
8 Bolt
Heavy Duty
Front Spring Hanger
4 Bolt
Light Duty
Front Spring Hanger
Rear Hanger
Emergency Spring
Hanger Kits
Leaf Springs
Purchased Separately