Tie Down Spindles Procedure for Removing and Replacing Spindle Wear Sleeves User Manual
Tie Down Hardware

TIE DOWN ENGINEERING • 255 Villanova Drive SW • Atlanta, GA 30336
www.tiedown.com (404) 344-0000 Fax (404) 349-0401
Procedure for Removing and Replacing Spindle Wear Sleeves
1. Remove hub unit from spindle Use a large sized and
sharpened chisel to split open wear sleeve. Try not to
chisel into the spindle; if possible, only chisel into the
wear sleeve. Wear sleeve should spring open.
2. Once the press-fit bond of the wear sleeve
has been broken, remove the old wear sleeve
from the spindle
3. Use various “grit” emery or crocus cloth to remove
any burs on the spindle that may have occurred from
the chisel. Start with a coarse grade emery or cro-
cus cloth working your way towards a fine grade.
Example: Start with 80 grit, then use 120-160 grit,
then use 240-320 grit emery or crocus cloth. Purpose
is to repair any damage created on the O-ring seal
groove section of the spindle.
4. Once any and all burs and sharps have been
removed, replace the old spindle/wear sleeve O-ring
with a new O-ring; lightly lubricate the O-ring prior
to assembly. Inspect O-ring for any damage prior to
assembly over the spindle. Ensure O-ring is fully seated
inside of the seal groove.
5. By hand, position the new wear sleeve
over the spindle.
WEAR SLEEVE. Great care must be taken
to not damage the wear sleeve surface. If
there are any scratches, dents, or burs, obtain
a new wear sleeve. The wear sleeve is
responsible for providing the primary sealing
surface for the rear hub seal. Any damage to
the wear sleeve may affect seal ability of the
rear hub seal.