Tie Down Steel Support Piers and Heads User Manual

Steel support pier installation instructions

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Steel Support Pier Installation Instructions

Please refer to the Installation instructions provided by the manufacturer, and /or State and
local regulations as to the pier placement and beam spacing. Check specific load requirements
for footings and pier pads along with wind zone requirements for new or used manufactured
units. Steel Support Piers are designed for use as a replacement for dry stacked blocks, piers
available up to a maximum of 30 inches.

1. After the unit has been put in place and leveled with the appropriate safety

equipment, begin placing the piers under the main beams at manufacturers

specified distance.

2. Center the Pier on the footing or pad using fasteners (4 #14 X 2” screws if required)

tighten pier head with 3/4” nut below pier top so the head is tight against the beam.

Part 3285.304 of the new HUD installation rule specifies that “Manufactured Pier

heights must be selected so that adjustable risers do not extend more than 2” when

finally positioned”.

Steel Support Piers are designed and tested to vertical loads for a support rating of 6,000 lbs.
Support Piers can be used under factory built structures such as manufactured homes, mobile
commercial units, classrooms, multiplexes, sheds and other similar structures. They can be
used in all wind zone conditions, except ”Exposure D” within 1500 ft. of the coastline. Support
piers are designed for use with a variety of heads to prevent movement after attachment to the
beam or screwed to the marriage line; check local codes and manufacturers requirements for
proper installation regulations for beam and marriage line installation.

When all Support Piers are installed, remove your safety equipment and go to the next step in
set up.


Steel Support Piers Distributed by

TIE DOWN ENGINEERING • 255 Villanova Drive SW • Atlanta, GA 30336 (404) 344-0000 Fax (404) 349-0401