Tie Down LP16.5 User Manual
Page 5

Bleeding Brakes for the 16.5 Raptor Actuator
9. Reassemble E-stop spring latch and cover as shown
in Pictures 7 thru 11. Slide the spring catch back into
position so that the holes in the plate, line up with the
holes in the cover. Place plastic cover over the plate,
apply loc-tite or thread locker to threads and reinstall
the three (3) hex head screws.
10. Test brakes in a protected area such as a parking lot or
side street.
Pic. 7
Pic. 9
Pic. 8
Pic. 10
Pic. 11
Emergency Stop Cable or E-stop Cable
The TDE 16.5 Raptor actuator is supplied with an emergency stop system that applies the brakes in the unlikely
situation were the trailer becomes disconnected from the tow vehicle. The cable is PVC coated and coiled for
convenience. On one end the cable is connected to a lever arm on top of the actuator. The other end of the cable
has a hook to connect to the tow vehicle. Should the trailer become disconnected from the tow vehicle (both coupler
and/or chains) the E-stop cable would pull the lever and activate the master cylinder. A steel spring lock keeps the
pressure on the brakes until manually released.
1. When towing the vehicle, connect the end of the E-stop cable to the tow vehicle.
2. Never connect the E-stop cable to the safety chains or cables.
3. Connection point should be a position on the tow vehicle that is different from the safety cables or chains.
Continued on next page
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