Rtr-500gsm configuration guide

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RTR-500GSM Configuration Guide

First Things First

Ver. 1.11

I) A Note About User Documentation

In order to avoid a thick and complicated manual, most of the user documentation for the RTR-500GSM is based in two Help files,
both of which are found in the Help pull down menu. As strange as this may sound, TandD’s Help Files really are helpful. There is a
lot of information on the use of the Settings Utility in the Help file, and if you don’t find the answer to your question there try the
Operation Guide.

II) About SIM Cards & Accounts

In order to use the RTR-500 GSM you will need to have a SIM card from a GSM Service Provider. In the US this would be either
AT&T or T-Mobile. There are several GSM providers in Canada, most notably Rogers. The RTR-500GSM can use any standard
voice account SIM that supports GPRS Data (Web and Email) and has funds applied for Data; THIS IS A MUST. The account can
be either pre-paid or post-paid, and can be purchased at retail outlets. Since the RTR-500GSM is a data only device, the number of
voice minutes or cost per voice minute of the account you choose are not important as no voice minutes will be used by the device.

III) Install the SIM card

Remove the battery cover from the RTR-500GSM and install the SIM card. If you have questions about how to do this refer to the
Introductory Manual. It has detailed instructions starting on Page 19 for this that are quite complete. Don’t forget to install the
batteries after the SIM card is in place.

IV) Install the Software

Make sure that USB driver installs correctly. There are very complete instructions for this in the Introductory Manual starting on Page