Midi/util – TC-Helicon VoiceOne Manual User Manual
Page 26

Growl Ctrl
Values: Auto, Manual. When set to Auto, the
self-control is enabled. The type of self-control
is defined by the style you choose. Auto mode
scales the growl effect dynamically between 0
and the dialed amount. This is the standard
operating mode. However, you may want to
add growl in specific sections of your vocals
and therefore have full control over the effect
amount. This is what the Manual mode is for.
When set to Manual, growl self-control is
disabled: the amount of effect being applied is
determined by the GRO Amount parameter
only. You can then use the MIDI CC#57 (Growl
amount) to control the breath in real-time. Do
not forget to set it back to Auto when you are
finished with manual control, otherwise your
growl styles will sound unnatural (growl is not
intended to be applied continuously, unless you
desire that effect).
Vibrato Ctrl
Values: Auto, Manual. When set to Auto, the
vibrato envelope generator is enabled. How
long a note has to be held until the vibrato
begins, how fast it fades in, how long it lasts,
etc. is defined by the style you choose. This is
the standard operating mode. However, you
may want to add vibrato manually in specific
sections of your vocals and therefore have full
control over the effect amount. This is what the
Manual mode is for. When set to Manual,
vibrato envelope is disabled: the amount of
effect being applied is determined by the VIB
Amount parameter only. You can then use the
modulation wheel of a MIDI keyboard for
instance (CC#1) to control the vibrato amount
in real-time. Do not forget to set it back to Auto
when you are finished with manual control, so
you can take advantage of the intelligent self-
control feature again.
VM Parm Lock
When this parameter is set to Off (default), any
changes made to the VM parameters other
than style and amount are replaced by the
style’s defaults when the style is changed. If
VM Parm Lock is On, the user controllable VM
parameters are not changed when the style
Bulk Dump
Press ENTER to perform a total Bulk dump of
all presets to an external MIDI device such as a
MIDI sequencer.
The VoiceOne is always ready to receive MIDI
Bulk dump information. See the section
“Presets Backup Via MIDI” for more information
on this in the Preset handling chapter.
The user preset bank can be sent and received
via MIDI System exclusive, as a ‘sysex dump’.
Foot Switch
Values: Off, Bypass Norm, Bypass Dual . This
allows you to assign the foot switch jack to one
of the bypass configurations. This is handy if
you choose to use a one-button foot switch. On
a two or three button foot switch, BP Norm
means that either button (except the center
button on a 3 button switch) will toggle bypass.
Bypass Dual means that the first button
changes the Bypass Mode to No Delay and
then toggles bypass, while the second button
changes the Bypass Mode to Maintain Delay
and then toggles bypass. The third button of a 3
button switch is not supported.
Sysex ID
Values: 0-126, all.
The VoiceOne’s System Exclusive ID number.
Program bank
Determines which bank an external MIDI device
will address in VoiceOne when sending a
program change. The options are; External,
Factory or User. When External is selected
controller #32 can be used to address either the
Factory or the User bank. Factory bank:
Controller #32=0 User bank: Controller #32=1.
Tuner Ref
Values: 400Hz-480Hz. Sets the tuning
reference of the units, upon which to base the
pitch effects.
View Angle
Adjusts the LCD display backlight for better
viewing comfort.
Note: Triple Clicking the MIDI/UTIL key at
any time will reset all note-ons for both
Pitch Correction and Pitch Shifting. This
allows you to reset any ‘stuck’ notes without
powering down the unit. This is also known
as a ‘MIDI Panic Button’.