I/o setup - midi/util, Midi util – TC-Helicon VoiceOne Manual User Manual
Page 25

The choices in this parameter are Normal ,
Medium and Low latency. Low latency mode is
the lowest latency setting that will not
compromise quality. There is a small process
delay required to do Voice Modeling. The
lowest latency/delay is available in
correction mode. Entering
mode will disable the non-pitch
Voice Modeling effects and their portion of the
display. You may then bypass the latency of the
VM effects, and apply all DSP power to pitch
effects. For studio applications, a higher latency
setting will give you the best audio quality.
Values: Normal Mode (PureShift Off)
low latency is 13 ms
medium latency is 21 ms
normal latency is 33 ms
low latency is 9 ms
medium latency is 16 ms
normal latency is 33 ms
Bypass Mode - No Delay, Maintain Delay
Controls the bypass mode. When set to No
Delay, there will be no delay in the audio path
when you engage the bypass. When set to
Maintain Delay the unit will maintain the
processing delay.
All parameters in the MIDI/UTIL menu are
“general” parameters that are not stored
with the presets.
MIDI Channel - Range: Off,1-16.
Sets the responding MIDI channel of the
VoiceOne. When set to off, VoiceOne disables
CC input, NRPN input, pitch bend input, and
NRPN/CC output.
MIDI Pitch Shift Ch - Values: Off,1-16. Set the
channel on which to receive pitch shift
information - the notes to shift to. The pitch shift
and pitch correct MIDI channels can not be the
MIDI Pitch Corr Ch
Values:1-16. Sets the channel on which to
receive MIDI pitch information from a controller
or sequencer in the form of MIDI notes.
About the Adaptive Low Cut Filter
Unwanted “rumble” in the low frequency area
can occur even on recorded instruments whose
main frequency area is situated considerably
higher. This could be a vocal track where the
singer is breathing close to the microphone. It
could also simply 50 or 60 cycle hum from
poorly shielded cables. Situations like this will
disturb the tightness of the low frequency area
and to solve that problem you use a low cut
filter. The Adaptive Low Cut Filter in VoiceOne
allows you to set the threshold frequency
relatively high without fearing that it will cut off
important low frequencies. As the input gets
closer to the threshold, the Low Cut Threshold
Frequency simply adapts and moves
MIDI Pitch Out Ch
Values: Off, 1-16. Sets the MIDI channel on
which to output pitch data.
MIDI Prg Change
Values: Off, On. Ignores incoming MIDI
Program Change messages.
Bend Range
Values: 0 to +/- 2400 cents. Sets the range for
MIDI Pitch Bend messages. 2400 cents is a
range equivalent to two octaves.
Breath Ctrl
Values: Auto, Manual.
When set to Auto, the self-control is enabled.
The type of self-control is defined by the style
you choose. Auto mode scales the breath effect
dynamically between 0 and the dialed amount.
This is the standard operating mode. However,
you may want to add breath in specific sections
of your vocals and therefore have full control
over the effect amount. This is what the Manual
mode is for. When set to Manual, breath self-
control is disabled: the amount of effect being
applied is determined by the BRE Amount
parameter only. You can then use the MIDI
CC#2 (breath amount) to control the breath in
real-time. Do not forget to set it back to Auto
when you are finished with manual control, so
you can take advantage of the intelligent self-
control feature again.