App settings – TC-Helicon Voice Jam Studio User Manual
Page 16

Performance Detail Editing
Once you select a performance from your library for editing, you can edit its details. Touch in
any of the text boxes to edit the Title, Author, or Description. You can preview the final result by
pressing the play button at the bottom. To share the selected performance, select the desired
option (YouTube, Camera Roll, or Soundcloud).
YouTube Export
By swiping left and right you can chose to upload Screen + Face Camera or Screen Only. If
you disabled face recording from the settings menu you will not be able to upload it to YouTube
as it will not exist. Next choose the upload quality. High quality is recommended but for slow
internet connections you could choose Medium quality to reduce upload time. Finally, make any
adjustments to metadata, sign into your youtube account, and select “Upload To YouTube”.
Camera Roll Export
By swiping left and right you can chose to upload Screen + Face Camera or Screen Only. If
you disabled face recording from the settings menu you will not be able to upload it to YouTube
as it will not exist. Next choose the export quality. High quality is recommended but will create
a larger output file. Exported videos will be accessible from your iPad Photos App.
SoundCloud Export
Simply log into your account and upload the audio portion of your performance.
App Settings
The gear icon at the top right is where you set global app settings (applying to all sessions).
Slave To External Tempo
You can chose to slave to external MIDI devices (hardware connected via the camera
connection kit, lightning port, or to other apps supporting virtual midi master clock).
Overdub Decay
When you overdub a new layer onto a loop, you can specify what happens to the underlying
layers. If the Overdub Decay was set to 100%, the new layer would be mixed with the old layer
and the overall volume of the loop would get louder and louder until it started clipping. Set at
around 98% the older layers will gradually fade away such that the overall level remains fairly
constant. At 0% the old layers would be completely replaced by the new overdub layer. This is
actually a very useful effect if you want to completely replace the contents of a loop without
erasing it. You can change the overdub decay in real-time during a performance.
Knob Automation Time
When you carefully tap a mixer knob without dragging it will initiate loop automation.
Automation will gradually change the knob from its current value to zero (or centre pan for pan
knobs), or if already at zero, the knob will change to the last value it had been set at before
being faded to zero. This allows you to fade in and out by single tapping on the knobs. You can
start and stop several knobs simultaneously in this way, for example you could gradually fade