TC-Helicon Voice Jam Studio User Manual
Page 12

waveform and two to the left of it. Swipe to the right again and you would only have the original
melody and the 3rd above harmony. Swipe to the left and the 5th harmony returns.
Note: You cannot swipe to undo/redo while overdubbing. You must end the current overdub
session first.
Note: Voice Jam Studio only remembers four sessions, so if you start new overdub session with
four existing, the oldest one will fall out of existence.
Note: If you swipe to the right to move to older overdub sessions such that grey boxes are
showing to the right of the waveform, starting a new overdub session will start a new branch of
history and any of the more recent sessions to the right will be lost. From the example above, if
you swiped left so that you were only hearing the original melody and the 3rd above, you could
start a new overdub session with an octave down and the 5th and octave up sessions would be
lost forever.
In scrub mode you can tap or drag your finger directly across the waveform to alter the playback
Note: Once you scrub you will likely fall out of sync with your groove. To get back on track you
can press the play button which will retrigger the loop at the start of the next beat.
Note: for faster response, you can unlock sync for the track. See the Sync Lock section for
more details.
Similar to scrub mode except that one-shot mode is designed to allow the loop track to act like a
sample player. The loop will only play as you are holding your finger on the track, and will
immediately stop when you let go. Playback will start from wherever you first touch the loop.
Dragging has no effect. Tapping repeatedly will rapidly retrigger the loop.
Note: pressing play will start the loop playing on the next beat.
Note: for faster response, you can unlock sync for the track. See the Sync Lock section for
more details.