TC-Helicon Voice Jam Studio User Manual
Page 10

time you initiate an action, Voice Jam Studio determines whether you are closer to the beat that
just happened (if you press slightly late), or if a beat is about to occur (you press slightly early).
If you press early, the event won’t take place until the imminent beat occurs. If you press just
slightly late, Voice Jam Studio will make an intelligent decision based on the situation. In
general it’s better to be slightly early as if you are slightly late the looper may have to fade in the
beginning of your loop to keep it on time missing any transient you might have had to start the
loop. Also if you are too late, Voice Jam Studio may decide that you are intending to start on
the next beat which might throw your entire loop off by one beat (of course this could lead to an
interesting musical effect!)
Creating Loops
Voice Jam Studio doesn’t place limits on when you can start recording a loop. The process of
creating a new loop requires two touches. The first touch to the record icon begins the loop
recording (synchronized to the closest beat), and the second touch to the record icon “closes
the loop”. The time between the two touches dictates the length of the loop. If you capture four
complete beats the loop will be exactly four beats long. After pressing the record button the
second time the loop will begin to repeat until you stop it.
Note: the most common loop is a multiple of 4 beats. If you want to record a 4 beat loop you
would touch record at the beginning of beat 1 and at the end of beat 4 (actually the start of beat
5). You want to capture four complete beats. If you pressed the record for the second time at
the beginning of beat four you would have only captured three complete beats.
There are two alternate methods of closing, or “setting” a loop. Instead of pressing the record
icon for the second time, you can set the loop by pressing the play button or the stop button.
The stop button will set the loop and stop it from playing back until you again press the play
button. The play button will set the loop but keep it in “record mode” or overdubbing, such that
you can immediately begin to layer on top of it as it repeats.
Note: once you create at least one loop you will see a lock icon appear beside the metronome
BPM. This indicates that the tempo is locked. See the metronome section for more details.
Destroying Loops
To prevent accidentally erasing a loop, you simply have to hold your finger on any of the ‘X’
icons for a short time. You’ll see an orange halo shrink to nothing before the erase occurs. This
gives you a split-second to change your mind. Destroying loops is final, unless you’ve saved
your session in which case as long as you don’t save again, you can always reload the current
session. See the Sessions section for more information.
Starting and Stopping Loops
Each loop has an individual stop and play button. At the bottom there is also “All Start” and “All
Stop”. They start and stop all existing loops simultaneously, as well as mute and unmute the
Note: If you want to unmute the metronome without starting all loops you can tap the
metronome icon.