Guitar compressor page (2/5), Style parameter, Amount parameter – TC-Helicon Play Electric - Reference Manual User Manual

Page 56: Makeup parameter

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Guitar FX button/section

Play Electric – Reference manual (2014-07-16) 54

Guitar compressor page (2/5)

Use the Compressor effect block to control the
dynamic range of your guitar signal, enhancing
attack, sustain or both.

Style parameter

Use the Style parameter to select the type of
compression to use. These styles allow you to
choose between various common guitar com-
pressor setups, such fast or slow attack times
and more or less aggressive compression ratios.

Choose from the following styles:

Subtle Tube

Subtle Sustain

Sustain Attack

Sustain Pop

Amount parameter

Use the Amount parameter to adjust the amount
of compression added to the signal. This param-
eter is similar in nature to the “Level” control in
other effects, but controls different parameters
“under the hood”.

Makeup parameter

After changing the “Amount” setting, you may
need to “make up” reduced gain to maintain your
output signal level. Makeup gain allows you keep
your signal levels consistent from the input of the
compressor to the output.

Typically, you set this control by ear when you
don’t have input and output meters (like some
fancy compressors do).