Specialty Concepts SC2 User Manual

Page 18

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B E N C H T E S T P R O C E D U R E : S C 2

The following procedure provides a basic bench test to check the operation and calibration of a

Equipment required: digital multimeter
0-30 volt 500 ma power supply (for 12 and 24 volt controllers)
0-60 volt 500 ma power supply (for 36 and 48 volt controllers)

1) Connect the power supply negative to the controller "BATTERY NEGATIVE (-)" terminal.

Connect the power supply (+) to the controller "BATTERY POSITIVE (+)" terminal and to the
controller "SOLAR PANEL (+)" terminal. Make sure that there is a jumper between
SENSE (-)" and "BATTERY (-)" terminals on the controller.

2) Set the power supply to the nominal system voltage.

3) If the controller is in the float charge mode (CHARGE MODE light off), disconnect the "SOLAR

PANEL (+)" and reconnect after waiting a few moments. The controller should go immediately
into full charge mode (CHARGE MODE light on). If after disconnecting and reconnecting solar
panel (+), and the controller stays in float mode, the controller may be defective.

4) Once the controller is in the full charge mode, disconnect the solar panel positive and check

continuity through the charging relay. Do this by setting the multi meter to resistance and
measuring between "SOLAR PANEL (+)" and "BATTERY (+)" terminals on the controller.
Reading should be 0.

5) If the controller is in the full charge mode, or you have just completed step 3, reconnect

"SOLAR PANEL (+)" and disconnect "BATTERY (+)". Set the power supply voltage to 18
volts for 12 volt system (36 volts for a 24 volt system) The controller should switch to float
mode. If the controller does not switch to float mode the controller may be defective.

6) Once in float mode, with the battery (+) disconnected, measure the voltage across "BATTERY

(+)" and "BATTERY (-)" on the controller terminal strip. For 12 and 24 volt controllers, this
should be about the float voltage. For 36 and 48 volt controllers, this should read 0 and the
relay will oscillate.

7) With "BATTERY (+)" and "SOLAR PANEL (+)" connected to the power supply, remove the

jumper between "BATTERY VOLTAGE SENSE (+)" and "BATTERY (+)". This should switch
the controller into full charge mode ("CHARGE MODE" light on). Reconnect the "BATTERY

8) Verify the set-points by changing the power supply voltage up and down and observing the
