Specialty Concepts ASC-Plus User Manual
Page 20

ASC-Plus Case 11 - If the loads are turned off when the battery voltage is above the Load
Disconnect set-point consider one of the following:
On initial installation, the ASC-Plus will start out with the relay energized (load disconnected
mode). The battery voltage has to rise to the reset voltage of about 13.0 volts to clear this
condition. If the array is connected to the controller and is producing at least 17 volts open
circuit, the loads can be turned on by disconnecting and then reconnecting the ASC-Plus
BATT (+) connection.
The battery voltage may need to rise to the Load Reconnect set-point of about 13.0
A poor connection to the load exists or some other load problem.
A poor connection in the battery connection may exist that results in a voltage drop during
periods of load usage (larger drop for higher current) that disappears when loads are turned
off. This voltage drop results in the controller seeing a lower voltage than what the battery
voltage actually is. See BAD CONNECTION: BATTERY (Help Note #9)