Sonics VC750 (Serial No. "Y through "AB")" User Manual
Page 12

Press the I key. The screen will display the power rating and the frequency of the
Ultrasonic Processor, and the following control parameters.
AMPLITUDE: The amplitude is the only parameter that must be set in order for the
Ultrasonic Processor to be operational. The other control parameters – Time and
Pulse, do not have to be set for continuous operation. AMPL. displays the percentage
of amplitude that was previously selected. Press the AMPL key and the
for a reading of 40%, then depress the ENTER/REVIEW key.
The screen will display:
The Ultrasonic Processor is now ready for continuous operation. To energize the
equipment, press the START key or the footswitch. To de-energize the equipment,
press the STOP key or release the footswitch. If the Time or Pulse* functions must be
used, refer to the appropriate paragraph(s) below.
To increase or decrease the amplitude in small increments when the equipment is on,
depress the AMPL key to display the percentage of amplitude that was previously
selected, then depress the
key, as required.
Do not operate the power supply unless it is
connected to the converter.
TIME __:__:__
TEMP __ __°C
PULSE _ _ _ _
AMPL __ __%
Any combination of functions can be selected in
any order. To clear an erroneous entry press
the CLEAR key.
TIME __:__:__
TEMP __ __°C
PULSE _ _ _ _