SilentKnight Special Instructions for Silent Knight User Manual

Important information that you and your Central Station need to know
This document contains important information that you will need to know before you use the IP-
GSM communicator with Silent Knight fire alarm control panels. Please review this information
before sending transmissions to the central station.
Reporting Parameters:
When Silent Knight Addressable FACPs are configured to report by point, AlarmNet Contact ID,
the Group Value, will only allow a single digit. While with regular Contact ID, the Group is a two
digit value.
The point events send the Module information in the Group field and ranges from 1 to 99. See
examples below. The upper digit is always a 0 in the AlarmNet Contact ID datastream, so a Module
34 is actually sent as a 04.
Note: SLC Modules addresses report as 201-299
AlarmNet Receiver Output
5820XL, 5808, and 5700 Fire Panel
Contact ID data:
Panel Report by Point:
NAC Trouble Circuit 2 Module 34 Internal Supply
Restore NAC Trouble Circuit 2 Module 34 Internal Supply
Fire Alarm Pt. 43 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 1
Restore Fire Alarm Pt. 43 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 1
Supervisory Detector Pt. 62 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 2
Restore Supervisory Detector Pt. 62 Module 33-Internal SLC-
Zone 2
Manual Pull Pt. 01 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 3
Restore Manual Pull Pt. 01 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 3
Water Flow Pt. 02 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 4
Restore Water Flow point 02 Module 33-Internal SLC-Zone 4
Honeywell IP-GSM Internet Digital
Cellular Fire Communicator