0 service and parts policy 11.1 parts policy, Warning – parts purchasers, Parts must fit correctly – SIG SAUER P938P User Manual
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11.0 service and Parts Policy
11.1 Parts Policy
our Service department maintains a full complement of replacement parts. even
though most gunsmiths have the knowledge, training, and the ability to make
necessary repairs to your firearm, the skill and workmanship of any particular
gunsmith is totally beyond our control.
Should your firearm ever require service, we strongly recommend that you return
it to Sig Sauer (see section 11.3 “Shipping firearms for repair”). a firearm is a
precision instrument and some replacement parts will require individual fitting to
ensure correct operation. a wrong part, improper fitting, or incorrect mechanical
adjustment may result in an unsafe condition or dangerous malfunction, damage
to the firearm, or cause possible serious injury to the shooter or others.
if any ParT iS ordered WiTHouT reTurning THe firearM To Sig Sauer, the
customer bears full responsibility for ensuring that the part supplied is correct for
their particular firearm and is properly installed and fitted by a qualified gunsmith.
Sig Sauer cannoT Be reSPonSiBle for THe funcTioning of any firearM in
WHicH rePlaceMenT ParTS are inSTalled By oTHerS.
– PaRts PuRchaseRs
it is the purchaser’s responsibility to be absolutely certain that any parts ordered
from the factory are correctly fitted and installed. firearms are complicated
mechanisms and iMProPer fiTTing of ParTS May reSulT in a dangerouS
MalfuncTion, daMage To THe firearM, and SeriouS
inJury To THe SHooTer and oTHer PerSonS. The purchaser
and installer of parts must accept full responsibility for the
correct adjustment and functioning of the firearm after such
PaRts must fit coRRectly