Installation (cont’d) – SeaLand VHT 4500 Holding Tank - 140 Series VacuFlush Toilet User Manual

Page 8

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insTallaTion (cont’d)

ElEcTRical sYsTEM

Electrical installation must

follow abYc standards and

be performed by qualified

personnel only!

VacuuM PuMP

Vacuum pump must be protected by a


fuse or circuit breaker. Connect wires

according to wiring diagram.

TanK lEVEl PRobEs

“3/4 FULL” and “FULL” tank level probes are

pre-installed in the vacuum holding tank.
Connect wires to the TankWatch Status Panel

according to the wiring diagram.

DischaRGE PuMP (VhT4511)

Discharge pump must be protected by a

10-amp fuse or circuit breaker. Fuse or circuit

breaker for discharge pump must be on circuit

that is separate from toilet electrical circuit.

Connect wires according to wiring diagram.

TanKWaTch sTaTus PanEl

1. Select a location for the holding tank status

panel. Make sure that wires from tank level

probes and status panel can be connected

with panel in chosen location.

2. Cut an access hole in the wall according to

template (below).

3. Connect wires from panel to probe wires

according to wiring diagram (supplied sepa-


4. Fasten panel to wall with two fasteners that

are provided.

1-7/8 in. (48mm)

1 in. (25mm)

2-9/32 in. (58mm)

TankWatch Panel Mounting Template

(actual size)



Wiring Diagram