PS Engineering PMA8000BT NUI Installation Manual User Manual
Page 27

PS Engineering
PMA8000BT Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-5
New, April 2011
Intercom Modes (8)
The “ICS” pushbutton switch on the left side of the panel provides the selection of the three intercom
modes. The description of the intercom mode function is valid only when the unit is not in the "Split" mode.
Then, the pilot and copilot intercom is controlled with the Mute button.
This button cycles through the intercom modes, from top to bottom, then bottom to top as: ISO, ALL Crew
and Crew, ALL, ISO. An LED shows which mode is currently active.
: The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected only to the aircraft radio system. He will hear
the aircraft radio reception (and sidetone during radio transmissions). Copilot will hear passengers’ inter-
com and entertainment, while passengers will hear copilot intercom and entertainment. Neither will hear
aircraft radio receptions or pilot transmissions. The pilot can hear music if desired. See §3.8.1
: All parties will hear the aircraft radio and intercom. Crew and passengers will hear selected enter-
tainment. During any radio or intercom communications, the music volume automatically decreases. The
music volume increases gradually back to the original level after communications have been completed.
: Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom channel and have exclusive access to the aircraft
radios. They may also listen to Entertainment 1. Passengers can continue to communicate with themselves
without interrupting the Crew and may listen to entertainment as configured.
3.8 Music and Music Muting (6)
The PMA8000BT has two independent music inputs at the rear connector, and a front panel jack. The
PMA8000BT also has the ability to receive streaming music from a Bluetooth-enabled device.
Music 1 will be heard by the pilot and copilot positions. Music 1 can also be distributed to the passengers
using the Function “C” control (See § 3.11.3). The front panel jack input is treated as Music 1, and the
streamed music in the PMA8000BT is also Music 1.
All music devices should be turned off for take off, landing, or any critical phase of flight. FAA Regulation
14 CFR 91.21 restricts the use of portable electronic devices.
§91.21 “(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may operate, nor may any opera-
tor or pilot in command of an aircraft allow the operation of, any portable electronic device on any of the
following U.S.-registered civil aircraft. . .
“(b)(5) Any other portable electronic device that the operator of the aircraft has determined will not cause
interference with the navigation or communication system of the aircraft on which it is to be used.”
You can refer to Advisory Circular 91.21-1A for more information, at
The front panel "Mute" button has four modes, and controls the Mute function for Music 1.
The SoftMute™ circuit will mute the music whenever there is conversation on the radio, the intercom, or
both, depending on the “Mute” mode selected. When that conversation stops, the music returns to the previ-
ous level comfortably, over a second or so.
The mute mode functions are controlled through sequential pushes of the Mute button, and include annunci-
ations of the mode selected. The PMA8000BT always defaults to Mute On when turned on.
Mute- music will mute with either intercom or radio - MUTE button is lit. Voice annunciation is "mute on."
Mute Off - “Karaoke” mode - music will not mute except during transmissions.- MUTE LED is OFF. An-
nunciation is "mute off."
Radio Mute - Radio will mute music, but intercom will not mute music - MUTE LED is OFF. Annunciation
is "radio mute."
Mode 4 - Radio will not mute music, intercom will mute music - MUTE LED is OFF. Annunciation is "in-
tercom mute."