Entertainment muting, Configuring music input with function keys, Playback button installation – PS Engineering PMA8000MP3-Avidyne User Manual
Page 15: Ntertainment muting, Onfiguring, Usic, Nput with, Unction, Layback button, Nstallation

PS Engineering
PMA8000B-MP3Avidyne Version (-0403) Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-8
Rev. 4, Jan. 2011
Use t h e l ow l evel ou t p u t of a n y a d d i t i on a l en t er t a i n m en t d evi ce t o con n ect t o t h e a u -
d i o p a n el . Ma x i m u m si g n a l l evel i s 3 VAC p - p . DO NO T u se a sp ea k er - l evel ou t p u t ,
t h i s wi l l ca u se i n t er n a l d a m a g e i n t h e a u d i o p a n el .
Entertainment muting
The PMA8000B-MP3-system incorporates a "Soft Mute™" system. This will mute the Music 1 enter-
tainment sources during conversations on the intercom, radio, or both, depending on the mute mode.
Any signal appearing in the hard wired unswitched audio inputs will always mute the entertainment
sources, even though the passengers may not hear the audio tone itself.
Press the Mute switch to activate the Karaoke mode (disabling crew SoftMute™), This allows the pilot to
place the entertainment into the background while ha ving the radios in the foreground. This eliminates
the constant interruption of the music while still having the radios a priority. Succeeding pushes of the
Mute button will limited the muting to intercom, but not radio, and radio, but not intercom.
Local oscillators and internal sign als from entertainment equipment can cause undesired interference with
other aircraft systems. Before takeoff, operate the entertainment devices to determine if there is any a d-
verse effect within the aircraft systems. If any unusual operation is noted in flight, immediately switch off
the entertainment devices.
All additional entertainment devices must be switched off for both takeoff and landing.
Entertainment 2 Mute (J2 Pin 13 & 14)
Connecting J2 pin 13 to pin 14 (or ground) through a SPST switch places the entertainment #2 music
source into the Karaoke Mode. In this mode, incoming music and intercom conversation will not mute the
music for the passengers’ intercom net. This allows uninterrupted music during casual conversation and
at times when radio communications are of lesser importance.
Configuring Music Input with Function Keys
The two music inputs can be configured by the user from the front panel (see section 3.10). There are
three configurations available, independent, ICS mode dependent, and single input.
If the inputs are independent, Input #1 (and the front jack) is provided to the pilot and copilot. Muting
(SoftMute™) is controlled by the front panel “mute” button.
If the inputs are intercom mode dependent, input 1 goes to the pilot, copilot and all pass engers when the
intercom is in the “ALL” mode. In “ISO” mode, the copilot and passengers will hear music input 1. Music
2 is ONLY active in CREW mode, and then provided only to the passengers. The passenger SoftMute™
control becomes active in CREW.
If the single-source mode is activated through the function keys, the front panel jack (and music 1) is con-
nected to all intercom positions, regardless of the intercom mode. Crew muting is controlled by the front
panel, passenger muting controlled through the switch. See section 3.11 for more details.
Annunciation and recorder playback
The pilot and copilot can hear the Function Key annunciations, except in ISO, when only the pilot can
hear the annunciations. If the customer wants to exclude IRS and function key annunciation playback
from the copilot position, contact PS Engineering for more information.
Playback button Installation
Internal Recorder can be played back from the front panel. A remote momentary, normally open (NO)
push button switch may be installed if desired to remotely activate the Recording System playback. This
switch can be located anywhere in cockpit convenient to the pilot's reach. The switch should be connected
to pin 22 of J2 of the PMA8000B-MP3, and ground.