Appendix a, Page 12 – MF Digital OptiEC Pro User Manual

Page 12

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Page 12

Scribe EC Quick Installation Guide

with Prism PLUS Printer

Document Revision: 2004/12/07

ScribeEC with OptiEC PRO printer

Installation Guide

Document Revision: 2004/12/28

A picture shows ports of firewire A and B.

A picture shows a firewire B cable.

A picture shows a firewire A cable.

Appendix A

DVD8Z-9001EC, DVD8Z-9002EC
1 and 2 DVD drive system requires only one PCI firewire B controller card (IEEE-
1394B) to be installed in a host PC. One firewire B cable is connected between a host PC
and a drive bay.

4 DVD drive system requires only one PCI firewire B controller card (IEEE-1394B) to
be installed in a host PC. Two firewire B cables are connected between a host PC and a
drive bay. Both of the firewire B cables are plugged into one PCI firewire B controller
card (IEEE-1394B).

CD-9001EC, CD-9002EC
1 and 2 CD drive system requires one PCI firewire A controller card (IEEE-1394) to be
installed in a host PC. One firewire A cable is connected between a host PC and a drive

4 CD drive system requires two PCI firewire A controller cards (IEEE-1394) to be
installed in a host PC. Two firewire A cables are connected between a host PC and a
drive bay. One firewire A cable is connected to one firewire A controller card.

Firewire B (IEEE-1394B)

Firewire A (IEEE-1394)