Analog essentials getting started guide, Zedboard version – Maxim Integrated Analog Essentials Getting Started Guide for Zedboard User Manual

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Analog Essentials Getting Started Guide


Zedboard Version

2. Open the EDK/XMP project (Zynq Processing System /Peripherals)

a. Highlight and double-click on “armSubsystem1 – zynq2(zynq2.xmp)” as shown below. Changes to the

internal peripherals can be configured here. Examples of this are adding additional I


C ports or changing

the baud rate on the UARTs.

b. After making any changes to the Zynq Processing System within EDK, run DRC and Generate netlist, then

rebuild the ISE project to incorporate those changes into the base bitstream (toplevel.bit).

c. Re-export the design to SDK by clicking on the Export to SDK icon in the upper left menu area.