Analog essentials getting started guide – Maxim Integrated Analog Essentials Getting Started Guide for Zedboard User Manual
Page 12

Analog Essentials Getting Started Guide
Zedboard Version
5. Running the demonstration programs
a. The Zedboard contains 5 Pmod ports labeled JA-JE. Only the first 4 are available for use by the
demonstration software (JA-JD) and only 1 of these 4 ports is considered the ‘active’ port at one time.
(User-written software can use any/all ports simultaneously.) The program defaults to Port A (Zedboard
connector JA) begin active. Main menu entry (E) can be used to increment the active Pmod from A --> B
--> C --> D. Of course, whichever port is selected in this manner should have a hardware module
plugged into it.
b. Depending on which module was installed into the selected Pmod port, the corresponding menu item
should be selected to run the demonstration program for that module. For example, if the MAX31723
module was inserted into the active Pmod port then menu item “B” would be selected and the submenu
for the MAX31723 peripheral module will appear. The module may be exercised using the appropriate
keyboard-selected commands. The submenu for the MAX31723 is shown below.
Important note
when running the demo programs
Many of the programs allow incrementing and decrementing the primary registers or program values using the
arrow keys. In these cases, the Up and Down arrows will increment and decrement the value in small steps
(generally, but not always by an increment of one). The left and right arrow keys will increment and decrement
the value in larger steps. This option is not indicated on the submenus.