Deluxe acoustic equalizer – LR Baggs Deluxe Acoustic EQ User Manual
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11. Position the preamp on the inside of the guitar with the slide controls and knobs in the routed holes in the side of the guitar. Place the control
plate on the outside of the instrument over the preamp, and screw it to the preamp using the black oval-head machine screws provided.
12. Plug the pickup and output harness into the appropriate jacks on the preamp.
13. Remove the pickup from the slot and rotate it one turn to put a loop in the wire. Put the pickup back in its slot. This loop will keep the wire
from rattling or vibrating against the inside of the guitar.
14. Affix the output wire to the side in several places using self-stick wire clips to keep it from rattling. Install a 9V alkaline battery in the clip on
the back of the preamp and restring the guitar. You are finished!
4 . U S E R ' S G U I D E
The output jack has a switch built into it to turn the preamp on and off. When the battery is low (6v) the light will flash to remind you to replace
the battery. This preamp will function down to 4V at which time the light will go out completely. Do not leave cord plugged in when not in use.
Caution: Before plugging or unplugging your guitar be sure the volume of whatever you are plugged into is off! This will prevent a potentially
damaging turn on transient (pop) from hurting anything down line from it.
The Deluxe Acoustic Preamp has a four-band equalizer with frequencies tailored to acoustic guitars. A typical EQ starting point is to boost the low
band a little, cut the mid, add a touch of presence and boost the high ranges slightly. Midrange is quite sensitive and most guitars benefit from
some cut here. Experiment to find the most effective frequency to cut by boosting the slider all the way and adjusting the mid tune knob until
you have found the nastiest frequency. Then pull the mid slider down until you get a pleasing sound. The output level of the preamp is quite hot
and you may find that it can overdrive some amps, effects, etc. If you hear distortion, simply reduce the volume until it goes away. Your guitar may
now be plugged into any PA, sound system, stereo tape recorder, direct box, effects processor, wireless transmitter or guitar amplifier.
Low EQ band control: (100 Hz) Use to add or subtract the lower frequencies,
to add warmth or cut feedback.
Midrange Control: (400hZ to 1.6kHz) Sweeps from the upper warmth
frequencies to the nasal range of sound.
Treble control: (10kHz) The very highest frequencies, “air” or “frosting”.
Presence control: (5kHz) “Sss” sounds, cymbal sizzle, brightness. Cut here a
little to remove P.A. horn “glare” or boost to add life to a dull speaker.
Volume control: This controls the amount of signal that gets out of the box.
For the best system signal to noise ratio, we recommend that you run the
volume as high as you can without causing the P.A. to distort.
Battery status LED: Stays on when the unit is on and then flashes when the
battery is low. The LED will start flashing when the battery reaches 6 volts. When it reaches 5 volts, it will stop flashing and fade away.
Mid tune control: Boost at .4k for more warmth, cut at .8k-1.6k for less nasal quality. Many acoustic guitars have an excess 1kHz when amplified. A
3 to 6dB cut is often good here.
Deluxe Acoustic Equalizer