LR Baggs X-Bridge: Fixed User Manual

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fig. 2

9. Disconnect and remove the existing jack and middle tone pot from the guitar, replace them with the prewired stereo jack and five-meg volume
pot included in the kit, and connect as shown in figure 1. Remove the wire that connects the middle tone pot to the switch and solder a jumper
between the two lugs on the switch for the tone controls.

Note: The volume pot has a bypass capacitor pre-soldered to it. This capacitor maintains the high frequency response of the X-Bridge as its
volume is reduced. Do not remove it.

4 . A L T E R N A T E I N S T A L L A T I O N S

A. (Replaces step 9) If you wish to retain the stock controls and do not
want a volume control for the X-Bridge, replace the existing jack with the
prewired stereo jack provided. Solder the red wire from the prewired
harness to the middle pin of the volume pot and the shield wire to a pot
case. Next, solder the hot (center) wire from the coax to the white wire
from the prewired jack cable inside of the control cavity.

B. If you wish to retain all of the stock controls and you want to add a
volume control for the X-Bridge, it will be necessary to drill a new hole in
the pickguard to add the X-Bridge volume pot. You may also need to
enlarge the control cavity on the guitar. Connect everything to the jack
as shown in figure 2.

Note: There are other strat models that have different tone control
connections. If you have one of these, just leave the tone knobs the way
they are and solder the volume pot as shown.

Note: do not combine the X-Bridge and magnetic pickups onto the same
volume pot.

Caution: Excess movement and undue stress on the pickup wires could cause serious damage to the pickups.

5 . U S E R ' S G U I D E

A guitar equipped with an X-Bridge requires the use of a stereo 'Y' cable to access both the X-Bridge and magnetic pickups. This is a cable that
has a stereo plug on one end and splits off into two mono plugs at the other end, one for each signal. The magnetic pickups will be on the 'tip'
and the X-Bridge will be on the 'ring.' Each signal will require its own individual channel, even in a combo amp. Do not plug them into the same

For best low end response, the X-Bridge should be plugged into amplifiers, effects or D.I.s that have a one megohm or higher input impedance.
This is standard, but if the X-Bridge's low end sounds wimpy, look into this. Do not plug the X-Bridge into passive D.I.s,

For optimum results, the X-Bridge and the magnetic pickups should be in phase with each other when they are mixed together. If they are in
phase, the mixed sound will have a full, rich tone quality. If they are out of phase, the mixed sound may be thin through the low mids and bass
range. Since there is no phase standard for magnetic pickups, there is a significant chance that the magnetics will be out of phase with the X-
Bridge. To further complicate matters, there is no phase standard even between the adjacent channels in dual-channel amps. The two channels of
dual-channel amps are sometimes out of phase with each other. Since it is likely that the most common usage for the X-Bridge will be into these
amps, we encourage you to experiment with phase to achieve the best results.

To change the pickup phase relationship with the passive kit, you must invert the phase of one of the signals outboard of the guitar. Our Para
Acoustic D.I. box works wonderfully with the X-Bridge and provides instant phase control and E.Q., and acts as a direct input to the P.A. for it. If
you do not have a Para Acoustic D.I., the simplest solution is to try another amp.

Another option is to run the two signals through separate amplifiers that are spaced as far apart from each other as the 'Y' cable will allow. The
phase relationship is not important when the X-Bridge is routed to the P.A. amp. If you plan to only use the X-Bridge alone (for its acoustic sound),
then phase in relation to the magnetics does not matter at all.