LR Baggs Five.O. Ukulele Pickup User Manual

Page 4

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Battery placement
Place the battery in an easily accessible spot with the velcro pad included. Be sure to clean the area thoroughly
before installing.

volume wheel placement

Find a suitable location near the top inner edge of the soundhole for the volume pot. Clean the area, peel off

the backing from the adhesive and put the pot into place.

Secure all wires with the wire clips provided and re-string the uke. You are done.

fi g. 3

Carefully trim here with sharp cutter.

Preparing the saddle

You will need to compensate for the thickness of

the pickup by removing approximately .030” from

the overall height of the saddle. NOTE: The fi t of

the saddle is the single most important factor for

the installation. The bottom of the saddle should

be perfectly fl at. The ideal saddle fi t is loose

enough to remove with your fi ngertips, but will

not fall out by itself.