LR Baggs iBeam Active System User Manual

Page 5

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7 . i B E A M R E M O V A L A N D R E P O S I T I O N I N G

The adhesive used to secure the iBeam is very strong. Once you stick it down, it will increase its grip over about a week’s time. If you wish to
experiment with placement, it will be easier before the adhesive develops its full strength. To experiment with placement, begin by outlining the
pickup in its current position with a pencil; this will act as a reference of the initial location. Next, place three fingers along the length of the back
side of the pickup. Pull firmly with even pressure towards the soundhole until the adhesive gives way. Rock it up onto one edge and then lift up
one end to pull the adhesive away from the bridge plate. Do not pull up on the cap. Because the iBeam relies on a clean connection with the
guitar body, we do not recommend reusing the adhesive; instead, use a new strip.

To remove the adhesive from the bottom of the pickup, roll it off like carpet. After tacking the new pad to the bottom of the pickup, use the edge
of a pencil to press the adhesive firmly to the pickup. We’ve included two extra pads in the kit, and extra pads are available in packs of 10 for
$5.00. Be sure to inspect the bridge plate for any adhesive residue before you reposition the iBeam.

Now reposition and test the pickup. Remember that moving the pickup towards the saddle will increase presence and string response, while away
from the saddle will increase warmth and body response. If the sound is satisfactory, secure the wire and continue to the next section. If not,
continue repositioning the iBeam as needed until you find the proper location.

8 . B A T T E R Y B A G I N S T A L L A T I O N

Stick the double-sided adhesive to an easily accessible spot inside of the guitar and secure the wire with a wire clip. The battery can then be
changed by opening the flap on the bag and pulling out the battery.

9 . V O L U M E C O N T R O L I N S T A L L A T I O N

Find a comfortable and convenient place to affix the volume control wheel at the edge of the sound hole; be sure the location does not interfere
with any top bracing. Clean the desired placement area completely, peel off the adhesive backing, and stick once. Secure the wire near the volume
control wheel with a wire clip.

1 0 . O T H E R A P P L I C A T I O N S

10.1 Adding a second pickup: It is possible to add a second pickup to the iBeam Active; however, to avoid crosstalk, the second pickup must
have a low impedance output. This requirement essentially eliminates everything but magnetic pickups (such as the M1). Do not use high-
impedance pickups like the LB6 or Ribbon Transducer with the iBeam Active System. To use a passive magnetic pickup with the iBeam Active,
attach the magnetic to the ring channel (with the M1, this will mean sacrificing one of its included cables by detaching the plug).

10.2 Using the Gigpro or Mixpro with the iBeam Active: The iBeam Active preamp has a built-in EQ curve. Both the Gigpro and Mixpro preamps
also have a built-in EQ curve when the controls are set at their default positions (12:00). If you wish to use either of these outboard preamps with
the iBeam Active, we recommend that you reduce the amount of EQ from the Gigpro or Mixpro to avoid double equalization. Turn the gain control
and bass trim all the way off and start with both the bass and treble EQ knobs in the 8 to 9 o'clock positions, then adjust to taste.