LR Baggs Stagepro Anthem User Manual

Page 5

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D. Mix: (Mixes between mic and pickup)

When the mix control is in the mic position, the Tru•Mic

is carrying the majority of the guitar’s voice with the El-

ement pickup supporting only the lowest frequencies.

When in the pz position, you will hear the full range Ele-

ment pickup only.

Feel free to experiment with different positions as there is

a wide range of great sounding and useful settings.

E. Bass: Adds or subtracts the lower frequencies.

F. Treb: Adds or subtracts the highest frequencies, “spar-

kle” or presence sounds.

G. Battery Status: As the battery weakens, the light will

turn on. DO NOT remove or replace the battery while

plugged in.

H. Notch Filter: The notch filter is to help control feed-

back. If your guitar begins to feedback, slowly turn the

“notch” control from left to right. Feedback will stop in-

stantly when the “notch” is in the proper position.

I. Phase: Press this button to invert the phase. Usually one

phase will sound best and/or provide the best feedback


J. Click-Lock Battery Access: The 9V battery is located

inside the preamp. To replace battery simply push down

on the bottom area of the face plate until you hear a click

then slowly release and the drawer will pop up.