Ignition module wiring diagram – LAARS U.H.E. - Service Manual User Manual

Page 9

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U.H.E Service Manual

Page 9

Lockout conditions:

The system will go into lock out mode for the following reasons:

Blocked vent pressure switch contacts open:

Check for obstruction in exhaust pipe and vent terminal.

Check for blocked condensate trap or drain line. In cold climates, make sure drain is not frozen.

No ignition after 3 attempts:

a) Check inlet and outlet gas pressures (pressure taps located on top of gas valve).

b) Igniter resistance too high (lower resistance preferred < 150 ohms).

c) Misadjusted veturi screw (should be 6.5 turns out from bottom).

d) Flame sense microamp not present (1.0 microamps minimum, should be 5 microamps or more). If burner lit,

check flame rod for deposits.

e) Check burner tube condition. Refer to section UHE-III for Burner Tube Inspection and Replacement.

Ignition Module Specifications

- Ignition & heating functions in response to thermostat.

- Hot surface ignition using a microprocessor to control timing, flame sensing using flame rectification & ignition


- Monitoring of system pressure switches and limit switches.

- Control of gas valve, inducer motor, and hot surface igniter element based on thermostat demand and status of

safety inputs.

- Diagnostic indicators to provide information on power to control and control status.

- Non-interchangeable polarized plug-in connectors for all interconnections.

Control Functions:

- Thermostat call for heat.

- Blocked vent pressure switch

(normally closed)

- Flame sensing.

- Low voltage supply.

- Line voltage supply.

Control Inputs:

Control Outputs:

Lockout Conditions

- Inducer motor

- Hot surface igniter

- Gas valve

- Status indicator LEDs

Power - Green

Purge - Red

Igniter - Red

Valve - Red

Flame - Red