LAARS Pennant PNCV - Install and Operating Manual User Manual
Page 29

Low Temperature Pennant
Page 29
unless the flame sensor detects a flame, the gas valves
will close and the ignition module will either attempt
ignition again (up to three times) or will lockout (if the
optional lockout ignition module is used).
Note: At this point, if gas pressure is below the
required 5” w.c. minimum, the Pennant may lock out.
If flame is sensed, the burner will continue to
fire as long as there is a call for heat. If there is a
subsequent loss of flame signal, the burner will attempt
re-ignition up to three times (only once if optional
lockout ignition module is used.) Loss of flame signal
from the first ignition module will cause shutdown of
the heater.
When the call for heat is satisfied, the gas
valves close and the blower(s) continues to run for 30
seconds. The pump will continue to run for the length
of time selected at startup by the adjustment of the
pump time delay (Pd).
If a call for heat is prevented from being satisfied
either by a safety interlock or due to an ignition lock-
out, the red “Service” indicator on the front panel will
light. To reset the standard ignition module, toggle
the Pennant power switch off, and then on again. (To
reset the optional single try lockout ignition module,
the reset button on the module must be pressed. Inter -
rupting power to this module will not reset the lockout.)
The Pennant 1250 through 2000 models have two
ignition modules that control different burners.
6.3 Temperature (Operating) Control
The Pennant temperature control operates by
measuring the system temperature. It also controls
the Pennant pump operation and the mixing system,
which tempers the water entering the heat exchanger to
prevent damage from excessive condensation.
6.3.1 Temperature Control Overview
The digital display on the control has the
following uses:
• To display the system temperature during
normal operating mode.
• To allow the user to view and adjust the control
settings. There are four buttons on the controller. Top
left returns to the beginning. Bottom left is the enter
button. Top right is the up arrow. Bottom right is the
down arrow.
The temperature control face contains an LCD
screen. The LCD screen will display the system
temperature during normal operation. When the
control is first powered up, it displays “ZZZ”. It
then flashes the control software number. It then
displays the temperature at the system sensor. After
the temperature is displayed, the current settings
(parameters) may be viewed. To scroll through the
parameters, press the down arrow button to advance
to the next parameter. Press the enter button to choose
that parameter. Press the up or down arrow to raise,
lower or toggle to value of that parameter. Press enter
to save a changed value.
By depressing the upper left hand button at
any time during the programming, the menu may be
returned to the beginning.
After about 30 seconds of button inactivity, the
display will revert back to the system temperature.
6.3.2 Programming Parameters - Boilers
When the control is first turned on, it flashes
“ZZZ” and then “022” to indicate that the boiler
software is in the control. When the down arrow is
pressed, the boiler menu is brought up.
rT – Boiler Return Temperature
This is a display only. This is the temperature at
the boiler’s inlet sensor. This is not system return
temperature, as the water has been mixed with
hot outlet water, for boiler protection.
oAt – Outdoor Air Temperature
This is a display only. This is the outdoor air
temperature, if outdoor reset is used. Must use
optional outdoor reset sensor (
p/n 2400-021
CSP – Calculated Setpoint
This is a display only. When outdoor reset is
used, this is the temperature that is calculated by
the control, based on the settings and conditions,
which becomes the setpoint of the boiler.
bSP – Boiler Setpoint
This is the setpoint for rT (the boiler inlet
temperature sensor). Default is 190°F. Range is
from 140°F to 210°F.
LSP – System Setpoint
This is the setpoint for system, read at the system
sensor that is placed in the system loop. Default
is 180°F. Range is from 60°F to 210°F.
LdF – System Setpoint Differential
This is the differential for LSP. Default is 2.0°F.
Range is 1°F to 30°F.
bdf – Boiler Setpoint Differential
This is the differential for bSP. Default is 10°F.
Range is 1°F to 30°F.
oAr – Outdoor Reset
This enables or disables the outdoor reset
function. Default is “oFF”. Toggle to “on”
if outdoor reset is going to be used. Must use
optional outdoor reset sensor (
p/n 2400-021
oTo - Warm Outdoor Temperature
Upper point of reset curve, where system shutoff
is desired. Default 65°F. Range is 55°F to 70°F.
oAC – Design Temperature
Lower point of reset curve, at which the
maximum water setpoint is needed. Default is
0°F. Range is from –50°F to 60°F.
oAL – Minimum Setpoint
This is the minimum allowable calculated
setpoint, regardless of outdoor temperature.
Default is 160°F. Range is 70°F to 180°F.