2 data output rs 232 c, 3 interface rs 232c – KERN & SOHN IKT User Manual
Page 49
8.2 Data output RS 232 C
Technical data:
8-bit ASCII Code
1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit
Baud rate selectable from 2400, 4800, 9600 Baud (factory setting) and 19200 Baud.
Sub-D plug 9-channel required
For operation with interface faultless operation is only ensured with the correct KERN –
interface cable (max. 2m)
Pin allocation of the balance output socket (front view)
Sub-D jack 9-channel
9 6
Pin 2:
Transmit data
Pin 3:
Receive data
Pin 5:
Signal ground
8.3 Interface RS 232C
Data output via interface RS 232C
The previous condition for the data transfer between balance and a peripheral device (e.g.
printer, PC ...) is that the appliances are set to the same interface parameters (e.g. baud
rate, parity ...).
49 FKT_IKT_PKT-BA-e-1435