Introduction, New features added feb 1998, The pro-2000 channels – Kenton Pro-2000 mk1 User Manual

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Congratulations on your purchase of the Kenton Electronics PRO-2000 multi channel MIDI to CV
converter, which has been designed to give you maximum flexibility, whilst maintaining ease of use.

The converter has 10 completely independent sections - called channels A, B, C & D plus Aux’s 1 to 6.
Each can be assigned its own MIDI channel, and controlled independently from the others.

The PRO-2000 has two independent, MIDI programmable LFO`s that can modulate both the CV
outputs, and the auxiliaries. Each of the CV channels A & B has a portamento function.

There are also many other features designed to make the PRO-2000 as flexible as possible to allow
as much control as possible over your analogue synthesizers.

Please take some time out to read through all of this manual which should, hopefully explain all you
will need to know.

NEW FEATURES added Feb 1998

* The PRO-2000 now has a thorough MIDI system exclusive specification for those who wish to
perform data dumps or real-time editing from their computer sequencer or generic patch editor. See
the sysex section at the back of the manual.

* The Pro-2000 auxiliary outputs now have the following additional functionality, the first two of which
allow the PRO-2000 to control a further 3 CV/Gate synths if required (making a total of 5) :-
V/Oct from Notes - Gate from Notes - Trig Pulse (for synths requiring a trig as well as a gate ie.

* The 2000 now has intelligent MIDI sync. This means that if MIDI sync is selected and is in operation,
the 2000 will automatically recalcul;ate the LFO speed in order to fit a whole LFO waveform

between MIDI clocks (or multiples of clocks depending on the setting of sync divide)

* Additional parameter (after Auxes & before LFO) Ax1-6 Pitchbend Range - sets the pitchbend
range used by any Aux output that is set to V/Oct from Notes - see later

* Added All Notes Off feature plus Jump directly to store / load facility for easier editing.

* MIDI Reset All Controllers (#121) now implemented.

* Full 128 note range now implemented on all outputs giving CV out.

* Pitchbend setting range increased from 12 semitones to 24



These are for controlling analogue synths such as the SCI PRO-1, Roland SH-101, or indeed most other
synths with CV and Gate inputs.

Note, the CV output for controlling the pitch uses one of two scaling methods: the Volts per octave
(V/oct) pitch scaling system, which is the most common system used in analogue synths, as used by
Roland, SCI, Oberheim and Moog synths. The other system is called Hertz per volt and is used by