Low frequency oscillators – Kenton Pro-2000 mk1 User Manual

Page 12

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Gate from Notes

- this allows the selected auxiliary output to give a voltage output in response to notes on any MIDI
channel you select - the off and on levels can be changed by using the Min & Max (and Reset) level
controls - Min sets the voltage when the gate is off and Max sets the level when the gate is on. For
example if you set min to zero and Max to 25 you will have a 5v gate signal or if you set Min to 25
and Max to zero you will have an S-trig with +5v pullup.

Trig Pulse A / B

(mainly used for ARP-2600 & early Odysseys)

- this allows the selected auxiliary to give a trigger pulse for synths requiring this extra signal in
addition to the normal gate signal. To use this mode, select Trig Pulse A / B on any Aux and set the
MIDI receive channel of that aux to be the same as the MIDI receive channel of the Synth Channel
(A or B) you want it to work with - set min and max to be the off an on output voltages you want to
use - see below for an example of connecting to an ARP-2600. NOTE the Trig Pulse A/B mode only
works in conjunction with Channels A/B.

Example of using `Trig Pulse A / B' mode of the PRO-2000 with an ARP-2600 synth from CHANNEL A for
CV & Gate and Aux 1 for Trigger. The following example applies to the `Trig Pulse A / B' mode only, it
DOES NOT apply to the "V/Oct from notes" or "Gate from notes" modes.

1) Connect CV CHANNEL A of PRO-2000 to all 3 KBD CV inputs of the ARP-2600. You may need to
the MULTIPLE 4 way socket connection to the bottom left of the ARP to do this. If the ARP
is not attached you may be able to connect using just one lead into the KBD CV Output on the
(it can be used as an input if the 2600 Keyboard is not connected).
2) Ensure CvA CV/HZ Select is set to Volt/oct scaling
3) Connect GATE CHANNEL A of the PRO-2000 to the GATE input of the 2600 (located above the
speaker volume control)
4) Set CvA Gate Select to "Gate 15v pullup"

5) Connect that AUX 1 to the TRIG input of the 2600 (located next to the gate input - see above)
6) Set parameter Ax1 Main Cntrllr to "Trig Pulse A / B"
7) Set AUX 1 to the same MIDI channel as Channel A
8) Ensure that Ax1 output level for cntl Min = 0
9) Ensure that Ax1 output level for cntl Max = +63
10) Store the settings (long press on SEL will take you to store page)
11) Everything should now be ready but note the following points:-

The above can similarly apply to CHANNEL B and any of the AUXes 1-6 outputs if that Aux Main
Controller is set to "Trig Pulse A / B". The selected AUX output will only give a trigger signal in the `Trig
Pulse A / B' mode when it is set to the same MIDI channel as either CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B.
Ensure that any aux output which is no longer required as a trigger output, is reset to another controller or
"ignore controllers" as operation of gate A or B outputs on the same MIDI channel are affected when `Trig
Pulse A / B" is in operation.


THERE ARE TWO INDEPENDENT LFOs, 1 & 2 (where x is the LFO number)


(0 to 127, default: 80)

- sets the speed of the LFO