Alcatel Idol Mini User Manual
Page 65

Show GPU overdraw
Mark the checkbox to show GPU overdraw.
Show surface updates
Mark the checkbox to show surface updates.
Window animation scale
Touch to adjust the animation scale for your window.
Transition animation scale
Touch to adjust the animation scale while performing a transition.
Animation duration scale
Touch to adjust the animation duration scale.
Disable HW overlays
Mark the checkbox to select to always use GPU for screen compositing.
Force GPU rendering
Mark the checkbox to enforce the use of 2D hardware acceleration in
Force 4x MSAA
Mark the checkbox to enable 4x MSAA.
Strict mode enabled
Mark the checkbox to enable strict mode. Once enabled, the screen will
flash when applications do long operations on the main thread.
Show CPU usage
Mark the checkbox to show current CPU usage.
Profile GPU rendering
Mark the checkbox to use 2D hardware acceleration in applications.
Enable OpenGL traces
Touch to adjust OpenGL traces.
Enable traces
Touch to adjust traces.
Don't keep activities
Mark the checkbox to destroy all activities as soon as you leave.
Background process limit
Touch to change the limit for background processes.
Show all ANRs
Mark the checkbox to show "Application Not Responding" dialogs for
background applications.