3 configuration menus – CMC electronic MAI085MB User Manual

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mAI085-MB Actuator Interface Technical Manual /15

Distributive Intelligence


For value entries, there is a flashing cursor indicating which digit is
being advanced. The left up/down arrow keys move the cursor left and
right. The right up/down arrow keys increase and decrease the value.


Set key

Not used.


Clear key and lamp

Not used .


Open / Close keys
and indicators

Not used.


Process Value

Not used, off.

10 Status Indicators

Not used, all off.

11 Fault Indicators

Not used, all off.

12 Scan key

Press and hold for 10 seconds to enter configuration mode. Press to
return to last menu or from the main menu, to exit configuration mode.

5.3 Configuration Menus

There are four level of menus within the configuration system. The keyboard operation remains
the same for all of the menus. Menu items are selected using the upper right arrow keys. The
SCAN key is used to move back one level in the menu tree. To exit configuration the SCAN
key is pressed from the Main Menu.

There are 2 typical responses to a menu item. The first is a Yes/No response. The lower right
keys select YES (up arrow) and no (down arrow). The second is to modify the value displayed
by the menu item. The lower arrow keys serve 2 functions when modifying values. The left
arrow keys positions the flashing cursor to the digit to be modified. The right arrow keys
increase or decrease the value.

Any changes made to the selected items are immediate. The interface has non-volatile storage
for the system parameters. A modification to the parameters using the menus does not update
this non-volatile storage directly. Be sure to backup any changes using the SAv function from
the Main Menu before removing power from the interface. Each time power is cycled, the
interface restores the saved values from non-volatile memory. Any changes made will be lost if
power is cycled before a SAv operation has been completed.