Philips ini AE 3905 User Manual

Page 16

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Philips sell this product subject to the understanding that if any defect in manufacture or material shall appear in it

within 12 months from tíie date of consumer sale, the dealer from whom the product v;as purchased will arrange for

such defect to be rectified without charge, provided;

i.Reasonable evidence Is supplied that the product

purchased vnthin 12 months prior to the date of claim

2TÍ18 defect is not due to use of the product for other than domestic purposes, or on an incorrect voltage, or contra­

ry to the Company's operating instructions, or to accidental damage (whether in transit or otheavise). misuse, ne­
glect or inexpert repair.

Products sent for serrice should be adequately packed as no liability can be accepted for damage or loss m transit,
and name and address must be enclosed

Facts about free

semce; When service is required, apply to the dealer from whom the product v.^s purchased.

Should any difficulty be experienced in obtaining Service, eg in the event of the dealer having ceased to trade, you
are advised to contact Philips Service.

These statements do not affect the statutoiy rights of a consumer.

If you have any questions which your dealer cannot answer, please v;rite

toPbUips Consumer Relations,


P.O . Box298,420London R oad, CROYDON CR93QR,o:


(01) 689-2166ConsumerAtJvice.

Please retain this card. Produce if sen/ice is required.__________________________________________________________


The benefits given to the purchaser by this v/anranty are m addition to all other rights and remedies, which, under

the Trade Practices Act or other Commonwealth or State law. the purchaser or o'.vner has in respect of the preduct.
The Philips product carnes the following v^arranties. C-senes HiR-systems. 12 months Compact Disc Players'

12 months. Home Audio Systems* 6 months. Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players and

radio recorders: SO days.

Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring within the specified period from the date of delivery, will be recti­

fied free of charge by the retailer from vAom this product v/as purchased.

Afofó'PIease retain your purchase docket to assist prompt service.

Conditions of this warranty

7.AII claims for warranty service must be made to the retailer from whom this product v;as purchased All transport



in connection with warranty service or


will be paid by the purchaser

¿These v/arranties do not cover batteries and extend only to defects in matenals or workmanship occurring under

normal use of the product vAere operated in accordance with our instructions.

Philips C onsum er P roducts Division, Technology Park, F igtree D rive, A ustralia Centre,

H0MEBUSH2140, New South W ales



Thank-you for purchasing this quality Philips product. The document ^■ou are no'w reading is your guarantee canj.


Philips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this product against defective components and faulty workmanship for a penod

of 12 months. Any defect in materials or workmanship occuming within 12 months from the date of purchase subject
to the following conditions v,n!l be rectified free of charge b-/ the retailer from whom this product vres purchased


/.The product must have been purchased In New Zealand, and this guarantee card completed at time of purchase

(this Is your proof of date of purchase).

2The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty workmanship on the part of the


5.The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse, neglect, norma! wear and tear, accidental breakage, use

on the incorrect voltage, use contrary to operating instructions, or unauthorised modification to the product or re­

pair by an unauthorised technician.

d.Reasonable evidence (in the form of a sales docket or completed guarantee card) must be supplied to indicate that

the product v.ras purchased no more than 12 months prior to the date of your claim.

5,ln the event of a failure. Philips shall be under no liability for any injury, or any loss or damage caused to property

or products other than the product under guarantee.

This guarantee doss not prejudice your r/ghts under common law and statute, and is in addition to the normal re­

sponsibilities of the retailer and Philips.

How to claim.

Should your Philips product fail within the guarantee period, please return it to tiie retailer from whom it w'ss pur­

chased In most cases the retailer v;ill be able to satisfactorily repair or replace the product
Ho'.ve;'er, should the reiarfer not be able to conclude the


satisfactorily, or


you have other difficulties claim­

ing under this guarantee, please contact

The Guarantee C ontroller, Philips New Zealand Ltd,


P.O . Box 1041, AUCKLAND


9 (09) 605-914

This manual is related to the following products: