4 operation – IC Realtime Professional 3-D DVR/PTZ Keyboard with Network Capability User Manual

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background image


ID 485 Add

Dev name


232 ADD

DH2 is network keyboard/2


generation control keyboard protocol, its corresponding DVR serial

port protocol is network keyboard protocol.
DH1 is the first generation keyboard protocol, its corresponding DVR serial port is control
keyboard protocol or Dahua protocol.

5.3.3 Keyboard


after Network Connection

ID, device name and device type setup please refer to 6.3.2.
Use up/down to highlight connection type and then use left/right to select connection type.
Click “ENTER” to go to setup.
After all the setup, click ESC to exit. System pops up the dialogue box to prompt you save setup.

5.4 Operation

5.4.1 Login

You can use the following ways to login: ID, device name, IP, 232 address, 485 address.
Click ENTER to go to setup interface, input you information and click ENTER to begin search.
System automatically begin login if search is OK.
System pops up the alert information if there is no search result.
Before you login, please log off DVR local user menu, local user priority is higher than the
keyboard user!

5.4.2 Logout

Click ID key and then click ESC, you can logout current control menu.

5.4.3 Record

Click record button (z)to go to record interface. You can use direction keys to modify channel
name and status. Click ENTER to save modification, click ESC to exit without saving modification
you have done.

5.4.4 PTZ Control and Image Color

In single window display mode, click Fn1, system pops up PTZ and image color menu. Or you
can click P/T in the keyboard to go to DVR control menu.

5.4.5 Tour and Single/Multiple Window Switch.

CTL point IP”

CTL port: 3777


Save data?