Decisions you must make, Recommended batteries, Radio – Great Planes Gee Bee R-1 EP Rx-R - GPMA6020 User Manual
Page 3: Recommended charger, Optional replacement prop, Optional supplies and tools, Kit inspection

We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends
on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model,
and no representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model.
Remember: Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
This is a partial list of items required to fi nish the Gee Bee
EP Rx-R that may require planning or decision making before
starting to build. Order numbers are provided in parentheses.
Recommended Batteries
A 2200mAh 11.1V LiPo battery pack is recommended.
❍ Great Planes ElectriFly
LiPo 11.1V 2200mAh 25C
❍ FlightPower
30 LiPo 11.1V 2200mAh 30C
The Gee Bee EP Rx-R requires a 4-channel transmitter and
Recommended Charger
A LiPo compatible charger is required to charge LiPo batteries.
The Great Planes ElectriFly PolyCharge4
is designed for
LiPo battery packs only; however, it is able to charge four LiPo
battery packs simultaneously. The ElectriFly Triton2
and the
AC/DC Triton2 EQ chargers will only charge one pack at a
time, but are capable of charging NiCd, NiMH, Pb acid and
LiPo batteries.
❍ Great Planes PolyCharge4 DC-Only 4 Output LiPo
Charger (GPMM3015)
❍ Great Planes ElectriFly Triton2 DC Computer Peak
Charger (GPMM3153)
❍ Great Planes AC/DC Triton2 EQ Charger/Balancer
Thoughout the life of a LiPo battery, the individual cells located
inside the battery pack may become unbalanced. These
unbalanced cells can shorten the life of the battery or cause
it to malfunction. For this reason, it is always recommended
that a cell balancer be used when charging LiPo batteries.
The ElectriFly Equinox
is a cell balancer that may be used
with any LiPo charger and is capable of maintaining the cell
balance of the battery pack. Note: the AC/DC Triton2 EQ does
not require a cell balancer.
❍ Great Planes ElectriFly Equinox LiPo Cell Balancer
Optional Replacement Prop
❍ APC 10
7 Thin Electric Propeller (APCQ4123)
Adhesives and Building Supplies
This is the list of Adhesives and Building Supplies that are
required to fi nish the Gee Bee EP Rx-R.
❍ Phillips Head Screw Driver
❍ Flat Blade Screw Driver
❍ Crescent Wrench
❍ Great Planes Pro CA+ Medium (GPMR6007)
❍ Great Planes CA Activator Foam Safe 2oz. Pump
Optional Supplies and Tools
Here is a list of optional tools mentioned in the manual that
will help you build the Gee Bee EP Rx-R.
❍ CG Machine (GPMR2400)
● Photos and sketches are placed before the step they refer
to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps to
get another view of the same parts.
● The stabilizer and wing incidences and motor thrust angles
have been factory-built into this model. However, some
technically-minded modelers may wish to check these
measurements anyway. To view this information visit the web
site at and click on “Technical Data.”
Due to manufacturing tolerances which will have little or no
effect on the way your model will fl y, please expect slight
deviations between your model and the published values.
Before starting to build, inspect the parts to make sure
they are of acceptable quality. If any parts are missing or
are not of acceptable quality, or if you need assistance
with assembly, contact Product Support. When reporting
defective or missing parts, use the part names exactly as
they are written in the manual.
Great Planes Product Support
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1 Ph: (217) 398-8970, ext. 5
Champaign, IL 61822
Fax: (217) 398-7721
E-mail: [email protected]