Mount the wing skids – Great Planes Phazer EDF ARF - GPMA1802 User Manual

Page 13

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15. Loosen the collars to adjust the length of the pushrod

assembly as necessary, then mount the horn to the aileron
with the retainer on the top. (Hint: Use a 1/8" brass tube
to tightly push the retainer over the posts on the top of the
aileron.) Use a small pin to poke holes around the base of
the retainer and the horn. Then apply thin CA to securely glue
the horn into place.

16. If you haven’t yet done so, hook up the other elevon

the same way. Final elevon setup will be done later after the
wings have been attached to the fuselage, so don’t worry about
adjusting the pushrods and tightening the collars at this time.

Mount the Wing Skids

1. The wing skids come pretty much ready to glue on, but

if you want perfection you could true the factory-cut edges
a little with a bar-sander and 80-grit sandpaper followed by
320-grit fi nishing with 400-grit to smooth the edges.

2. Determine which skid is the right and which is the left

by test-fi tting them onto the wing and seeing how they fi t best.

Let’s do the right one fi rst…

3. Position the right skid on the bottom of the right wing

with the aft edge of the skid approximately 1/16" [1.5mm]
ahead of the wing trailing edge and the inner edge of the
skid approximately 1/16" [1.5mm] away from the edge of the
hatch. Holding the skid in position, use a fi ne-point felt-tip pen
to mark the outline of the skid onto the wing.

4. Use a small pin to poke pin holes through the covering

all the way the inside edge of the line.