Great Planes Extra 300SP EP ARF - GPMA1188 User Manual
Page 10

Use a soldering iron to cut the covering from the stab. The
tip of the soldering iron doesn’t have to be sharp, but a fi ne
tip does work best. Allow the iron to heat fully.
Use a straightedge to guide the soldering iron at a rate that
will just melt the covering and not burn into the wood. The
hotter the soldering iron, the faster it must travel to melt a
fi ne cut. Peel off the covering.
5. Slide the stab back into the fuselage. Stand back and
look at the stab in relation to the wing. The stab should be
parallel with the wing. If not, sand the stab saddle until the stab
and wings are aligned. Remove the stab from the fuselage.
6. Locate the stab joiner wire. Insert it into the stab opening
and then slide the stab into the stab opening in the wing. Apply
30 minute epoxy to the wood center section of the stab where
you cut away the covering. Do this for the top and bottom of
the stab. Move the stab back and forth to work the epoxy into
the opening in the fuselage. Once the glue has been worked
suffi ciently into the joint re-center the stab, making sure it is
properly aligned with the wing. Wipe away any excess epoxy
from the covering on the stab and fuselage with a paper towel
and rubbing alcohol. When you fi nish the clean-up, double
check the stab position and then set the fuselage aside to
allow the glue to harden.
7. Install a small amount of epoxy into the hole in the leading
edge of the right elevator. Using the same method used for the
ailerons, install three hinges into the elevator and then install
the elevator to the stab, making sure you install the end of the
joiner wire into the hole in the leading edge of the elevator.
When you have the elevator positioned, apply thin CA glue
to each of the hinges just like you did for the ailerons. Do this
for both halves of the elevators. Test pull both elevator halves.
You can now remove the wings and continue with the
assembly of the fuselage.