Install the fixed landing gear – Great Planes Dirty Birdy .60 ARF - GPMA1975 User Manual
Page 9

12. When satisfi ed with the fi t of the panels, mix up
approximately 20cc [20ml] of 30-minute epoxy and thoroughly
coat the insides of the wing joiner pockets. Coat one half of the
joiner and insert it into one of the panels. Coat the anti-rotation
pin and insert it into the pin hole. Coat the other halves of the
joiner and pin as well as the root ribs of the panels. Join the
two panels together, taking care to wipe away excess epoxy
as it squeezes out of the joint. Use masking tape to hold the
panels together while the epoxy cures.
If you will be installing mechanical or pneumatic main gear
retracts, skip this section.
1. Insert the fi xed landing gear blocks into the openings
in the wing (use the other photos in this section to determine
the correct orientation of the blocks). Drill through the four
mounting holes on each block and into the wood rails in the
wing using a 5/64" [2mm] bit.
2. Remove the blocks from the wing. Thread a #4 x 5/8"
[16mm] self-tapping screw into each hole and back it out.
Apply a drop of thin CA to each hole and allow the glue to
harden. Reinstall the blocks into the wing and secure them
using eight #4 x 5/8" [16mm] self-tapping screws.
3. Fit the main landing gear wires into the blocks as shown.
Use four landing gear straps and eight #2 x 3/8" [9.5mm] self-
tapping screws to secure them to the blocks.
4. Slide a 5/32" [4mm] wheel collar followed by a main
wheel then another 5/32" [4mm] collar onto the axles of the
landing gear wires. Mark the location of the collar screw holes
onto the axles using a felt-tip pen.
5. Use a fi le or rotary tool to grind fl at spots onto the axles
at the spots that you marked.