Great Planes Dirty Birdy .60 ARF - GPMA1975 User Manual
Page 26

8. Install your muffl er onto the engine. Cut the fuel tubing
coming from the tank to the proper length and connect the
pressure and carb lines to the muffl er and fuel inlet. The fi ll line
(if installed) should be plugged with the included fuel line plug.
9. Cut four arms from a fi ve-armed servo arm included with
your throttle servo. Center the servo with your radio system
(50% throttle stick position on transmitter) and install the arm
perpendicular with the servo case as shown. Install a screw-
lock pushrod connector into the middle hole in the remaining
arm and secure it in place with a nylon screw-lock connector
retainer. Loosely install a 4-40 x 1/8" [3.2mm] SHCS into the
screw-lock pushrod connector. Install the throttle servo onto the
throttle servo tray using the hardware supplied with the servo.
10. Drill a 3/16" [4.8mm] hole in the fi rewall inline with the
throttle arm on the carburetor. An extra long drill bit is very
useful for this step (drill bit shown is stock number HIGR1020).
Be sure that the hole you drill does not pass into the wheel well
on the underside of the fuselage for a retractable nose gear.
Align the drill bit so the throttle pushrod will be positioned in
the space between this wheel well and the fuse side.
11. Use sandpaper to roughen the forward end of the 3/16"
[4.8mm] outer pushrod tube. Clean that end with denatured
alcohol and insert it into the hole you drilled in the fi rewall. The
forward end should protrude from the fi rewall approximately
1/4" [6.4 mm]. Glue the tube into the fi rewall.
12. Thread a nylon clevis (20 turns) and silicone clevis
retainer onto a 2-56 x 17-1/2" [445mm] pushrod. Insert the
pushrod into the outer pushrod tube and through the screw-
lock connector on the throttle servo arm. It will be necessary
to make a couple of shallow bends near the clevis so it can
attach to the throttle arm on the carburetor without binding.
Position the pushrod in the screw-lock connector so that the
full travel of the throttle servo using the transmitter will properly
open and close the carburetor. When satisfi ed, thoroughly
tighten the SHCS in the screw-lock connector with thread
locking compound. The excess pushrod 1/4" [6.4mm] aft of
the screw-lock connector can be cut off.