Objectives, Organization – Cisco XR 12000 Series User Manual
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Cisco XR 12000 Series Router SIP and SPA Hardware Installation Guide
This document describes the shared port adapters (SPAs) and SPA Interface Processors (SIPs) that are
supported on Cisco XR 12000 Series Routers. This document also describes how to install the supported
SIPs and SPAs and how to troubleshoot the installation.
This document contains the following chapters:
Rev. A1
May 15, 2006
Provides descriptions and installation instructions for the following
SIPs and SPAs:
Cisco XR 12000 SIP-401
Cisco XR 12000 SIP-501
Cisco XR 12000 SIP-601
2-Port and 4-Port Channelized T3 SPA
2-Port and 4-Port Clear Channel T3/E3 SPA
8-Port FastEthernet SPA
2-Port OC-48 POS/RPR SPA
Rev. A0
April 14, 2005
Initial release and 1st publication. Provides descriptions and
installation instructions for the following SIPs and SPAs:
Cisco XR 12000 SIP-600
1-Port 10-Gigabit Ethernet SPA
5-Port Gigabit Ethernet SPA
10-Port Gigabit Ethernet SPA
1-Port OC-192/STM-64 POS/RPR SPA
Table 1
Changes to This Document
Release No.
Change Summary
Chapter 1
Overview: Cisco XR 12000 Series
Router SPA Interface Processors
Provides a SIP/SPA compatibility summary. For
each supported SIP, provides a summary of SIP
characteristics and a SIP overview.
Chapter 2
Overview: Cisco XR 12000 Series
Router Shared Port Adapters
For each supported SPA, provides a summary of
SPA characteristics and a SPA overview.
Chapter 3
Preparing to Install a Shared Port
Adapter or a SPA Interface Processor
Describes the required tools, equipment, and
safety guidelines for installing SIPs and SPAs.
Chapter 4
Installing and Removing a SPA
Interface Processor
Describes the procedures for installing and
removing a SIP on a Cisco 12000 Series Router.