Sequencer, Other new sequencer features – FXpansion Guru 1.5 User Manual
Page 9

Improved sync, new Graphs, note duration / gate
The sequencer now locks to the host tighter than ever, and responds instantaneously to pattern
change / gate messages allowing you to recombine and retrigger patterns at warp speed – per-
fect for drum and bass. GURU now supports note-duration across-the-board, allowing you to cut
samples off before the full length plays.
There are new sequencer graphs for automating the Sample Reverse feature, and better sup-
port across-the-board for triplets, polyrhythms, and non-4/4 meters. Each pattern can be set to
a different resolution - 8th, 6th, 3nd or 64th notes, as well as triplets, and the metronome and
measure divide lines/highlights will adapt to this.
To set the resolution for all patterns at once in a given engine, hold down ALT while adjusting the
resolution dropdown. This also works for the step length, page length and trigger mode controls.
Three new graphs have been added, ‘Duration’, ‘Force Layer’ and ‘Reverse’.
Duration graph
Duration sets the length of any sample in musical units, but only affects samples whose ‘Gate’
option is turned on in the Pad Editor. NB:- to set very short durations, or to affect samples that
don’t have ‘Gate’ turned on, use negative values in the ‘Scrub’ graph. Holding down ALT or
ALT+SHIFT when painting in the graph editor will apply the current edit to multiple tracks at
Force layer graph
The ‘Force Layer’ graph forces the note to play a specific layer from the pad it’s in. This can be
very useful when playing back loops with multiple slices loaded to a single pad. ‘Force Layer’
overrides the layer playback mode control in the pad editor.
Reverse graph
The ‘Reverse’ graph automates sample reversing. It has four values:- ‘Normal’, meaning play the
sample as specified in the pad editor, ‘Reverse’, meaning always play it backwards, ‘Forward’
(self explanatory), and ‘Inverse’, meaning do the opposite of whatever the setting in the pad edi-
tor is.
Other new sequencer features
The Pattern Memory keys can now send note-on and note-off events and, as such, can be used
to (re)trigger patterns in GATE, TRIG or SHOT mode. ALT + clicking on the pattern keys now
changes to the selected pattern across all engines.
Pad overview level faders, locks, and mute/solo buttons (to left of sequencer) now respond to
“alt/shift”-linking key combinations:- ALT applies the action to all in the current colour group;
SHIFT+ALT:- applies to all tracks in the engine; CTRL + (ALT, SHIFT+ALT) inverts the value of
the Locks or Mute/Solo toggles rather than setting them.
Options have been added so the sequencer can track the current pattern and the playback cur-
sor, paging forward as playback flows, or ignore them entirely.